This is a application development library that specializes in abstracting application components like database access, configuration etc. It also contains a mvvm UI component that is compatible to everything that implements netcoreapp3.0. This project contains definitions that are for GUI applications using NiceCore.

Install-Package NiceCore.UI -Version 0.5.1


NiceCore is a C# mvvm-focused application development library based on .NET Core.
This library is a very early state but will be improved over time.
Feel free to add suggestions or Corrections.
Currently this library runs on .NetStandard 2.0

To develop using this library and Visual Studio you will need Visual Studio 2017 or newer with the workload Net Core installed.
To develop gui applications with this library and avalonia it is very much recommended to install the Avalonia Visual Studio plugin.
For more information regarding Avalonia see: and
For examples on how to build an application with this library and avalonia you should take a look at the Examples folder and the projects in it.

All dependencies that are provided, are provided via Nuget. Licenses of each apply (see ThirdPartyLicenses directory). Dependencies:

Running Unit-Tests:
Using the NiceUnitTesting library I wrote you can directly debug NiceCore.Tests.dll. Just make sure that all Nuget dependencies are in the bin folder. NiceUnitTesting repository:

Unless specifically stated otherwise, contributions that are intentionally made to this repository are licensed under the MIT License. If your contribution is not licensed under MIT I might not accept it.