A class library with common functionality used throughout Northwest Nodes projects. Contains a a highly flexible DataDog logger. Requires .NET 6.0, see Github README for usage examples.

Install-Package NorthWestNodes.Common -Version 0.5.0


NorthWest Nodes common library


The NorthWest Nodes Common Library is a class library written in C# and requires .NET Core 6.0. It contains several common functions used throughout the closed- and open-source projects at NorthWest Nodes (https://northwestnodes.com).

One of its main features is a highly flexible Datadog logger.


  • Install-Package NorthWestNodes.Common
  • dotnet add package NorthWestNodes.Common

Datadog logger



  • NorthWestNodes.Common.Logging
  • NorthWestNodes.Common.Logging.Datadog

Environment variables:

  • REQUIRED DD_API_KEY: the API key for your Datadog app.
  • REQUIRED DD_SITE: determines the intake URL. Valid options are: US1, US3, US5, US1_FED, EU.
  • OPTIONAL DD_HOST: the Host column in Datadog.
  • OPTIONAL DD_SERVICE: the Service column in Datadog.
  • OPTIONAL DD_SOURCE: the Source column in Datadog.
  • OPTIONAL DD_LOGLEVEL: the log level. Valid options are (from most verbose to none): verbose (default), debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none

Usage examples

Use the default DDLog singleton instance (note: this is not thread-safe!) to send a log message:

DDLog.Default.WriteInfo("Hello world, this is an INFO message");

Note: the single is not thread-safe and can cause issues when enriching your log messages from concurrent consumers. When using concurrent consumers, create a separate DDLog instance per consumer.

Send a basic Datadog log event:

Log log = DDLog.Create();
log.WriteInfo("An INFO log event message appearing in Datadog's message column");

Send a Datadog log event with the source set:

Log log = DDLog.Create("MySourceClassInMyProgram");
log.WriteInfo("An INFO log event specifying the class in which it was instantiated. How handy!");

Dynamic enrichtments

Send a Datadog log event with a dynamic enrichment. Dynamic enrichments get removed/reset after each Write operation:

Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// do a thing

Log log = DDLog.Create();
    .EnrichDynamic("responseTime", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
    .WriteInfo("An INFO log event message appearing in Datadog's message column");

Static enrichments

Send a Datadog log event with a static enrichment. Static enrichments do not get removed after each Write operation. Can be used in combination with Dynamic enrichtments:

Log log = DDLog.Create();
log.EnrichStatic("network", "source-network");

    .EnrichDynamic("someField", someVariable)
    .WriteInfo("An INFO log event message appearing in Datadog's message column");

Log levels

You can set the log level programmatically:

Log log = DDLog.Create();
log.SetLogLevel(LogLevel.Error); // only errors and up
log.WriteInfo("Hello world"); // will NOT be processed
log.WriteFatal("Ack, mein leben!"); // will be processed

Log event dispatching

The Datadog logger uses a background Task to dispatch log events in batches. By default a batch contains a maximum of 10 log events and each a maximum age of 5 seconds before being forcibly dispatched regardless of how many items a batch contains. Currently these settings are harded-coded, but you're more than welcome to submit a PR.