Notakey .NET client SDK for requesting and verifying authentication requests

notakey, 2fa, mfa, two-factor
Install-Package Notakey.SDK -Version 2.0.26



Build status

This project contains code for interacting with a Notakey server. Its scope is to request verification for a specific username, and receive results.

Documentation is going to be updated to include a Getting Started guide and common troubleshooting information.

Strong names

Currently the package does not have a strong name. It may be added in the future, depending on if anybody actually needs it.

Building the package

The package is built via Appveyor CI service.

Building manually

It is possible to build package locally for testing.

$ cd ./src/
$ msbuild
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version (d15.3/17f02c2 Thu Jul 20 17:04:26 EDT 2017) for Mono
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Build started 8/29/2017 1:20:44 PM.
Build succeeded.
$ nuget pack Notakey.SDK.local.nuspec 
Attempting to build package from 'Notakey.SDK.local.nuspec'.
Successfully created package '/Users/mrbungle/Projects/sdk-csharp/src/Notakey.SDK.Core.dll.1.1.46.nupkg'.

Add the package in VS package manager by adding local path to *.nupkg files.


  • result signature verification (the payload data is received, but needs to be verified manually at the moment)