
A thin layer facade of the Microsoft Azure IoTHub C SDK

Microsoft, Azure, IoT, Native, x86, x64, arm, package, c, sdk
Install-Package Paloukari.Azure.IoT.Lite.C -Version 0.0.1



The Azure IoT Lite C is a thin library on top of the official Microsoft Azure C SDK that greatly simplifies Azure IoT development in C


  1. In Visual Studio, create an empty C++ Project

  2. Install the azure-iot-lite-c library Nuget Package:

    Install-Package Paloukari.Azure.IoT.Lite.C

  3. Add a new main.c file

  4. Include the single required header

    #include "azure_iot_lite.h"

  5. Add the bellow libraries in the Input of the Library properties of your project


  6. Define a main and create a new IoT Device

    int main()
    	//create the device
    	struct device *mxchip = Device.create("your device connection string");
    	//put one of the examples below here
    	//destroy the device
  7. Pick one of the examples bellow to test out.

    The complete code for sending a telemetry message looks like this:

    #include "azure_iot_lite.h"
    int main()
    	//create the device
    	struct device *mxchip = Device.create("your device connection string");
    	//post the telemetry payload
    	mxchip->send_message(mxchip, "Some Telemetry data testing send..");
    	//destroy the device


The two lines of the device creation and destruction has been omitted from the bellow examples for better emphasis

  1. Sending a D2C message (blocking message send):

    In this example, send_message will block execution until the message has been sent and the server acknowledgement has been received.

    //post the telemetry payload
    mxchip->send_message(mxchip, "Some Telemetry data testing send..");
  2. Posting a D2C message (non blocking message send):

    In this example, post_message will enqueue a new message in the outbound queue without blocking the thread. When you call flush, all messages in the outbound queue will be sent and all incoming network traffic will be processed and put in the inbound queue.

    This pattern is more complicated than the send_message example, but is more useful for single threaded applications that need to have an 'async' behavior.

    char* message_id;
    //post the telemetry payload
    mxchip->post_message(mxchip, "Some Telemetry data testing post..", &message_id);
    while (mxchip->wait_for_ack(mxchip, message_id)) {
    	//flush the upstream/downstream network buffers
    	//wait for the server to ack
  3. Receiving a C2D (blocking message receival):

    In this example, calling the receive_message will block execution of the thread until a new cloud message is received.

    //the pointer of the new incoming message
    struct message* msg;
    //receive an inbound message
    mxchip->receive_message(mxchip, &msg);
  4. Incoming C2D Callback (non-blocking message receival):

    In this example, the message_handler will be triggerd whenever a new cloud message is received.

    //set the receive callback
    mxchip->set_receive_handler(mxchip, message_handler, "context");
    //periodically flush the network buffers
    while (true)
    	//flush the upstream/downstream network buffers
    	//wait for the server to ack

    The handler signature is

    void *message_handler(struct message* message, void* user_context) 
    	return 0;
