
An example PostSharp add-in that adds Console.WriteLine("Hello World!") to every method annotated with [HelloWorld].

postsharp, ilweaving, addin, plugin, helloworld
Install-Package PostSharp.Community.HelloWorld -Version 1.4.0



An example add-in for PostSharp.

You can use the code in this repository as a base on which to build your own add-in for PostSharp.

This is an add-in for PostSharp. It modifies your assembly during compilation by using IL weaving.

Creating an add-in

To create your PostSharp add-in using this template as a base, do the following:

  1. Change "PostSharp.Community.HelloWorld" in all file names to the name of your add-in.
  2. Change the text "PostSharp.Community.HelloWorld" in all files to the name/namespace of your add-in.
  3. Replace the HelloWorldAttribute in the project Client with any attributes or classes that you want the user of your add-in to be able to access at IntelliSense time, build time and possibly runtime.
  4. Update the class HelloWorldTask in the project Weaver with the code of your add-in.
  5. Delete or change it to a license of your choice.

Then, if you want to distribute the add-in as a NuGet package:

  1. Update any other files, such as the nuspec file.
  2. Use nuget pack PostSharp.Community.HelloWorld.nuspec to create a NuGet package from your add-in.
  3. To use the add-in, the user just needs to add and install that NuGet package.

Or, if you want to distribute the add-in as a project or an assembly:

  1. The user of the add-in must reference the NuGet package PostSharp.
  2. The user of the add-in must reference the client assembly (PostSharp.Community.HelloWorld.dll) or the client assembly project (Client).
  3. The directory that contains the weaver assembly (PostSharp.Community.HelloWorld.Weaver.dll) must be placed on the PostSharp search path with the MSBuild property PostSharpSearchPath. See the project Tests for an example on how to do this.


Restore and build the solution to build both the add-in and the tests.

You need at least a Community license of PostSharp to build the Tests project. You can get this license for free at


The add-in is included in the project file of Tests. This means:

  • The attributes you define in the project Client can be used in the test project.
  • The weaver you define in the project Weaver processes that test project when the test project is built.

Tests you define in the test project therefore already see the enhanced code.

See the project file Tests.csproj for details on how add-in discovery works.

Build-time debugging

You can attach a debugger to the compiler as an assembly is being built to debug your add-in.

To do this, add the following lines to the .csproj file of the project where you're using the weaver. In this add-in, that would be Tests.csproj:


Or build the project with the command line arguments /P:PostSharpAttachDebugger=True /P:PostSharpHost=Native.

Also, change the <TargetFrameworks> line to only target one framework.

If you choose .NET Framework, then PostSharp will trigger the just-in-time debugger window prompting you to attach a debugger.

If you choose .NET Core or .NET Standard, then PostSharp will wait indefinitely until you attach a debugger using "Attach to Running Process" functionality of a debugger.

We tested debugging with both Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider.

Documentation of the HelloWorld add-in

This add-in adds the line Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"); at the beginning of each target method in your code.


Your code:

static int ReturnTheAnswer() 
    return 42;

What gets compiled:

static int ReturnTheAnswer() 
    Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
    return 42;

Installation (as a user of this plugin)

  1. Install the NuGet package: PM> Install-Package PostSharp.Community.HelloWorld
  2. Get a free PostSharp Community license at
  3. When you compile for the first time, you'll be asked to enter the license key.

How to use

Add [HelloWorld] to the methods or classes where you want it to apply, or apply it to the entire assembly with multicasting.

Copyright notices

This example of a PostSharp add-in is released to the public domain.

Other PostSharp add-ins are generally released under the MIT license.