
Dependency Injector

DI, IoC, c#, csharp
Install-Package PureDI -Version 0.1.2-alpha



A simple dependency injection mechanism



If anybody wants to take this for a spin I would be grateful and responsive


Documentation can be found at [http://mikedamay.co.uk/PureDI]

Library Maintainer Notes at Documentation/LibraryMaintainerNotes.md


To run tests: install dotnetcore 2.0 cd PureDITest

then On Windows dotnet test

On Linux dotnet test -c LinuxTest

On Mac dotnet test -c MacOsTest

all case sensitive

Sample programs:

LoadTest, PureDIDemo change to directory and do "dotnet run"

PureDIDocumentor cd PureDIDocumentor dotnet run

browse to http://localhost:60653/

TODO documentation:
TODO API reference
TODO set up remarks and notes as top level section headings in each topic
TODO FAQ / Workarounds
TODO embolden key text
TODO how to handle injection state passed to an injector with a different
TODO set of profiles
TODO explain how inheritance, factory with bean name, a separate base factory with Ignore
TODO are combined to support inheritance.  Execute must be virtual.
TODO in gotchas we claim that a dangling bean reference will be assigned
TODO its default value - is that true?
TODO implementations a la IPropertyMap
TODO document that it is not possible to have OS.Any along with OS.Specific
TODO developer guide: policy on diagnostics and variation for constructors
TODO assert that attribute parameters are non-null and of the correct type.
TODO document that we can't handle with same type from multiple assemblies using aliases - I think this will defeat the IOCC
TODO change text on ReadOnlyProperty to mention that this can be set by using the constructor
TODO test global:: and document that it won't work for root type passed as string
TODO spell check documentation
TODO prefix diagnostic header messages with "PureDI: "
TODO allow empty array to be passed as Profiles, or a member with null, or a member with "" maybe
TODO bean names, constructor names and profiles are case insensitive
TODO Implementation:
TODO Move UserGuide.xml from PureDI to PureDiDocumentor
TODO can we handle an object or type from some assembly as root which is not
TODO a scanned assembly
TODO Later: implement constructor parameters
TODO Later: allow arbitrary objects to be attached to the tree.
TODO Later: built-in factories for environement variables, command line arguments, config files
TODO Later: seed the tree with a specific implementation
*** DONE Later: syntax colorisation in documentation
TODO Later: Code Analysis
TODO Later: deal with exceptions on nested calls to CreateAndInject...()
TODO Later: handle extern alias situations
TODO Later: move documentation site to TheDisappointedProgrammer.com
TODO Later: diagnostics combination functionality
TODO Later: Make constructors so that we can inject readonly properties - maybe - probably not
TODO Later: handle whether external interfaces are included or excluded from typeMap
*** N/A Later: add tables to markdown
TODO Later: add references to help to diagnostics
TODO Later: rudimentary developer guide
TODO Later: look at MEF implementations - heard on dnr 8-8-17
TODO Later: testing in untrusted environments
TODO Later: ninject
TODO Later: spring
*** DONE Later: ASP.NET
TODO Later: Mass Test - 2 days
TODO Later: red team: deep hierarchies
TODO Later: red team: mix new and CreateAndInject...
TODO Later: red team: self registering classes - that are also beans
TODO Later: PDependencyInjector or InjectionState should expose active
TODO Later: profiles, particularly for use by factories.
TODO Later: allow user to pass a flag to the injector constructor to treate warnings as errors
TODO Later: add an interface for PDependencyInjector
TODO docs: DI-OddsAndEnds examples for object cycles
TODO docs: DI-Assemblies example of including a reference to PDependencyInjector
TODO docs: in a factory bean
*** N/A docs: example of assembly exclusion
TODO docs: connect up summary and details in DesignRationale
TODO add debug message for Diagnostics to prevent it showing the view string - maybe