Refit Insane PowerPack is a Refit library extensions which provides attribute based cache and auto-retry features.

Install-Package Refit.Insane.PowerPack -Version



Refit Insane PowerPack is a Refit library extensions which provides attribute based cache and auto-retry features.

Installation Guide

Install-Package Refit.Insane.PowerPack


v, v

  • Advanced previous updates regarding cache to stable
  • Fixed bugs related to thread safety - on first call to API, when done by multiple threads - it could results in InvalidOperationException, (RestService is thread safe now)

v., v.

  • FIXED BROKEN HttpClientDiagnosticsHandler - make sure you do not use it in production env if you are using !!
  • Extended Refit Cache Behaviour - force cache refresh is now controlled via [RefitCacheBehaviour] - Default (cache not refreshed), Force Update without fallback to cache ( cache refreshed + refresh response returned), Force Update with fallback to cache ( cache refreshed + in case refresh response failed - cache returned if available, in case refresh response succeed - response returned) Please read RefitCacheBehaviour summary (intellisense)

v., v.

Release candidate.

  • Added RefitCacheLocation into [RefitCacheAttribute] - support for Akavache BlobStorage (please read akavache documentation or read attribute summary) - default IPersistedCache service.
  • Added possibility to force cache refresh (even if cached version already exists ) - optional boolean on Execute method. Use-case: you have cache that never expires but you want to update it (without clearing) for ex. lists and pull to refresh.
  • Added possibility to force cache refresh based on time elapsed since last save - use new Execute method with Func<TimeSpan?, bool> parameter - nullable TimeSpan (null = cache has no entry) since last update. Use-case: you have app settings that should never be cleared (persisted) - but it should also be updated every ~24 hours.

v., v.

  • New versioning rule = RefitVersionNumber.x - where x is PowerPack version
  • Added method to retrieve cache manually via RefitCacheService.Instance
  • Added comment/description into ApiAttribute ctor - regarding HttpClientHandlers
  • Version bump of Akavache
  • Added packages for Refit 5.2.4 & 6.3.2
  • Fixed HttpClientDiagnosticsHandler - it never worked with Release version -.- -> if debugger attached it will trace request/response/performance etc..

v. 1.2.4

  • Updated refit/akavache/polly to latest stable.
  • Nuget Package supports NetStandard 2.0 again.
  • Nuget Package supports net6.0 and fixed net5.0 support (it might be broken in 1.2.3).

v. 1.2.3

  • Updated refit/akavache/polly to most recent stable.
  • Changed AppRestService methods to async - PrepareResponse, CanPrepareResponse etc. (breaking change)
  • Package supports net5.0 and netstandard2.1 now.

v. 1.1.1

  • NetStandard 2.0 support

v. 1.0.3

  • "User friendly" (with suggestion) instead of NullReferenceException is thrown when BaseUri/ApiDefinition Uri is not set #8
  • Support for setting global timeout (when ApiDefinitionAttribute is not set on interface) in BaseApiConfiguration class #7
  • Fixed bugs which prevented handling ApiException (custom status codes) when inheriting from RefitRestService #6


  1. Check Sample app which is available in this repository.

  2. Read changelog above!

  3. Read presentation I have created for Cracow #Xamarines -

  4. In order to use ApiDefinitionAttribute you need to either:

  • Attach attributes to each refit API interface
  • Attach attribute to only specific API interfaces but also set BaseApiConfiguration.ApiUri which will be used as base uri for all interfaces without ApiDefinition attribute


Thanks to Artur Malendowicz ( for implementing multiple API support (ApiDefinition)

Thanks to Jakub Kaprzyk ( for implementing ApiDefinition Timeout support.