
Rijndael256 makes encrypting data and files a breeze with the AES symmetric-key cipher Rijndael. Features: AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Authenticated Encryption (AE), Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM), SHA-512, PBKDF2.

2Toad, Rijndael256, Security, Cryptography, Cryptographic, Encryption, Decryption, Rijndael, AES, AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Authenticated, AE, Encrypt-then-MAC, EtM, SHA, SHA-512, PBKDF2, Hashing, ciphertext
Install-Package Rijndael256.Core -Version 3.2.5



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AES cryptographic library for .NET Framework and .NET Core


Rijndael256 makes encrypting data and files a breeze with the AES symmetric-key cipher Rijndael.


  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • Rijndael symmetric-key cipher:
    • Encrypt data or files
    • AES key sizes:
      • 128-bit
      • 192-bit
      • 256-bit
    • CBC Mode
  • Authenticated Encryption (AE)
    • Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM)
  • Cryptographic hashes:
    • SHA-512
    • PBKDF2

Quick Start

Encrypt a string using Rijndael AES 256-bit

string password = "sKzvYk#1Pn33!YN";  // The password to encrypt the data with
string plaintext = "Top secret data"; // The string to encrypt

// Encrypt the string
string ciphertext = Rijndael.Encrypt(plaintext, password, KeySize.Aes256);

// Decrypt the string
plaintext = Rijndael.Decrypt(ciphertext, password, KeySize.Aes256);

Encrypt a string using Authenticated Encryption (EtM)

string password = "KQpc@HuQ66b$z37";  // The password to encrypt the data with
string plaintext = "Top secret data"; // The string to encrypt

// Encrypt the string
string aeCiphertext = RijndaelEtM.Encrypt(plaintext, password, KeySize.Aes256);

// Decrypt the string
plaintext = RijndaelEtM.Decrypt(aeCiphertext, password, KeySize.Aes256);

Encrypt a file using Rijndael AES 256-bit

string password = "2zj9cV!50BwJ$A1";            // The password to encrypt the file with
string plaintextFile = @"C:\TopSecretFile.png"; // The file to encrypt
string ciphertextFile = @"C:\SecureFile";       // The encrypted file (extension unnecessary)

// Encrypt the file
Rijndael.Encrypt(plaintextFile, ciphertextFile, password, KeySize.Aes256);

// Decrypt the file
Rijndael.Decrypt(ciphertextFile, plaintextFile, password, KeySize.Aes256);

Authenticated Encryption (AE)

AE adds an integrity check to the resulting ciphertext, so we can authenticate the ciphertext before decrypting it. Whereas encryption provides confidentiality, AE adds authenticity.

Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM)

Rijndael256 offers AE via the EtM encryption mode, which was standardized in ISO/IEC 19772:2009.

EtM Workflow

  1. Encryption:
    1. The plaintext is encrypted.
    2. A MAC is calculated from the resulting ciphertext.
    3. The MAC is appended to the ciphertext.
  2. Decryption:
    1. The MAC is extracted from the ciphertext (Mo).
    2. A MAC is calculated from the ciphertext (Mn).
    3. The MACs are compared for equality (Mo == Mn)
      1. Equal: The ciphertext is decrypted.
      2. Not Equal: Authentication has failed -- the decryption process is aborted, with no attempt being made to decrypt the unauthentic ciphertext.