
This is the base package for RxApp that is used to build platform agnostic view models. Additional platform specific packages are available that support databinding view models to platform specific views.

portable, mvvm, pcl, rx, reactive, LINQ
Install-Package RxApp -Version 0.0.1-pre3



RxApp is a functional reactive MVVM framework for building mobile applications base upon the .NET Reactive Extensions.

Combining a functional reactive data binding framework with a view model driven navigation framework, RxApp allows developers to build truly testable cross platform mobile applications.

Supported Platforms

  • Portable Class Libraries (Profile 259)
  • Xamarin.iOS
  • Xamarin.Android
  • Xamarin.Forms

How do I add RxApp to my project?

Use the NuGet packages:

What are RxApp's dependencies?

The core platform depends on the .NET Reactive Extensions and Immutable Collections.

The platform specific UI bindings introduce dependencies upon their native frameworks.

How stable is RxApp?

RxApp is under active development and is not yet API stable. It's currently released as a pre-release on Nuget. While there may be cosmetic changes to the library (propery and method names, etc.), I don't expect any significant architectural changes. Future releases will primarily focus on additional control binding support across all platforms and the addition of support for new platforms, specifically Xamarin.Mac, WPF, Windows Phone and Windows Store apps.

A Compelling Example

using System;

using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.OS;

using RxApp.Android;
using System.Reactive;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using RxApp;

using RxObservable = System.Reactive.Linq.Observable;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;

namespace RxAppDemo
    public interface ILoginViewModel : INavigationViewModel
        IRxProperty<string> UserName { get; }
        IRxProperty<string> Password { get; }
        IRxCommand Login { get; }

        IObservable<Unit> LoginFailed { get; }

    public interface ILoginControllerModel : INavigationControllerModel
        IObservable<string> UserName { get; }
        IObservable<string> Password { get; }
        IObservable<Unit> Login { get; }

        IRxCommand LoginFailed { get; }

    public class LoginViewModel : NavigationModel, ILoginViewModel, ILoginControllerModel
        private IRxProperty<string> username = RxProperty.Create<string>("");
        private IRxProperty<string> password = RxProperty.Create<string>("");
        private IRxCommand login = RxCommand.Create();
        private IRxCommand loginFailed = RxCommand.Create();

        IRxProperty<string> ILoginViewModel.UserName { get { return username; } }
        IObservable<string> ILoginControllerModel.UserName { get { return username; } }

        IRxProperty<string> ILoginViewModel.Password { get { return password; } }
        IObservable<string> ILoginControllerModel.Password { get { return password; } }

        IRxCommand ILoginViewModel.Login { get { return login; } }
        IObservable<Unit> ILoginControllerModel.Login { get { return login; } }

        IObservable<Unit> ILoginViewModel.LoginFailed { get { return loginFailed; } }
        IRxCommand ILoginControllerModel.LoginFailed { get { return loginFailed; } }

    public class MainViewModel : NavigationModel


    public static class RxAppDemoNavigable

        public static IObservable<NavigationStack> Create()
            var initialState = new BehaviorSubject<NavigationStack>(NavigationStack.Empty.Push(new LoginViewModel()));

            var builder = new NavigableBuilder();
            builder.InitialState = initialState;
            builder.RegisterBinding<MainViewModel>(_ => System.Reactive.Disposables.Disposable.Empty);
            builder.RegisterBinding<ILoginControllerModel>(model => Disposable.Compose(
                    .SelectMany(_ => 
                        RxApp.Observable.CombineLatest(model.UserName, model.Password).FirstAsync())
                    .Where(x => x.Item1 == "admin")
                    .Subscribe(_ => model.LoginFailed.Execute()),
                    .SelectMany(_ => 
                        RxApp.Observable.CombineLatest(model.UserName, model.Password).FirstAsync())
                    .Where(x => x.Item1 == "dave")
                    .Subscribe(_ => initialState.OnNext(NavigationStack.Empty.Push(new MainViewModel())))));

            return builder.Build();

    [Activity(Label = "RxAppDemo", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")]
    public class LoginActivity : RxActivity<ILoginViewModel>
        private Button loginButton;
        private EditText username;
        private EditText password;

        private IDisposable subscription;

        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            loginButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.login_button);
            username = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.login_username);
            password = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.login_password); 

        protected override void OnStart()
            subscription = Disposable.Compose(

                RxObservable.FromEventPattern(username, "AfterTextChanged")
                    .Select(x => username.Text)

                RxObservable.FromEventPattern(password, "AfterTextChanged")
                    .Select(x => password.Text)

                this.ViewModel.LoginFailed.BindTo(Toast.MakeText(this, "Login Failed", ToastLength.Long).Show)

        protected override void OnStop()

    [Activity(Label = "RxAppDemo Success", Icon = "@drawable/icon")]
    public class MainActivity : RxActivity<MainViewModel>
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

    public sealed class LoginApplication : RxApplication
        private IDisposable subscription;

        public LoginApplication(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer)

        public override void OnCreate()

            var activityCreatorBuilder = new ActivityCreatorBuilder();

            var navigationStack = RxAppDemoNavigable.Create();
            this.subscription = navigationStack.BindTo(this, activityCreatorBuilder.Build());

        public override void OnTerminate()