
Very simple monad that: - allows basic logic checks - allows mixing up of asnyc and sync calls - gives the opportunity of code re-use - provides exception handling - makes writing testable code with low cyclomatic complexity easy

Install-Package SafePipeline -Version 1.0.0




Why does it exist

  • to enable easily readable pipelines of composable functions
  • to manage exception handling
  • to allow real code re-use with small testable unit of code (functions)
  • to reduce cyclomatic complexity

How it works

SafePipeline is fundamentally a monad that includes exception handling and the mixing of synchronous and asynchronous functions. A pipeline is started using an initial value (StartWith). functions are then passed to each step in the pipeline - each of these functions performs a single action and returns the transformed value. Simple continue / skip can be implemented using the Check method. This method allows you to provide a function that can return an Operable instance and therefore tell the pipeline whether to continue to the next step or skip to the end in a success state as no processing is required (for example)

Setting up


Install-Package SafePipeline -Version 0.3.0


Controller method

public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
  Item[] result = StartWith(new PipelineContext())
          .OnSkip(s => _logger.Information("No items found in the index"))
          .OnSuccess(s => _logger.Information($"{s.Get<Item[]>().Length} items found"))
  return Ok(result)

you can see from the above that the code can easily be shared with methods like OpenDatabaseConnection etc.

Please see the tests in the project for working examples