
Query the SharePoint Search for People

Search, Peoplesearch, SharePoint, Query
Install-Package SharePoint.People -Version 1.0.0



Use this library to query the Sharepoint search for People.

Install this package

In the package console install-package SharePoint.People.

Sample query people by Keyword

using System.Net;
using SharePoint.People;

using(var client = new SharePointClient("https://your.sharepoint.url",new NetworkCredentials("username","password","domain"))){
  var people = client.GetPeopleByQuery("cool");
  // Do something with the found people.
  // array will be empty when no people are found.

Sample get one person from UserProfile (more properties available)

using System.Net;
using SharePoint.People;

using(var client = new SharePointClient("https://your.sharepoint.url",new NetworkCredentials("username","password","domain"))){
  var person = client.GetPersonByAccount("domain\\username"); // Should be the same format as profile url.
  // Do something with the person.

Custom properties

Both methods support returning your own class (with custom properties).

Take a look at Person.cs how you can get the SharePoint properties. Setting the right values happens automatically by either the SearchPropertyAttribute the UserProfileAttribute or the property name.

This implementation is heavily based on Reflection (and can possibly be improved)! See ObjectCreator.cs for more information.

using SharePoint.People;
public class ExtendedPerson : Person {
  // If you defined a custom property named twitter, your class could look like this.
  public string Twitter { get; set; }
using(var client = new SharePointClient("https://your.sharepoint.url",new NetworkCredentials("username","password","domain"))){
  var person = client.GetPersonByAccount<ExtendedPerson>("domain\\username"); // Should be the same format as profile url.
  // Do something with the person.
  Console.WriteLine(person.DisplayName + " " + person.Twitter);