Telegram Bot API wrapper for .NET

API, Bots, Bot, Telegram
Install-Package TeleBotDotNet -Version 2016.2.14.3


TeleBotDotNet Build Status

TeleBotDotNet is a Telegram Bot API for the .NET Framework. It is written in C# and is fully object-oriented.


To send a message:

var teleBot = new TeleBot("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", false);

teleBot.SendMessage(new SendMessageRequest
    ChatId = updateResponse.Message?.Chat?.Id,
    Text = "This is a test.",
    ReplyToMessageId = updateResponse.Message.MessageId

For an example project, see LouisMT/TeleBotTicTacToe.


The documentation is not included in the library. Please see the official documentation (for example getMe in the documentation becomes GetMe in the library).

API extensions

TeleBotDotNet has some API extensions. These extensions are methods which are not part of the official API but can be useful.

To use these, please add the following using statement:

using TeleBotDotNet.Extensions;

Currently, the following methods are available:

  • DownloadFile(GetFileResponse)

    Download a file as a byte array using a GetFileResponse

  • DownloadFileAsync(GetFileResponse)

    Download a file as a byte array async using a GetFileResponse


To use this library in your project, you can use NuGet:

Install-Package TeleBotDotNet

More information on NuGet.


Contributions are always welcome!

If you want to be sure that your contribution will be merged, please open an issue to discuss your addition first.