
Diagnostics and tracing tools. The library is cross-platform, so once you learn it on iOS, you're all set on Android.

Trimble, diagnostics, trace
Install-Package Trimble.Diagnostics -Version 2.0.8


Repository moved

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How to get started with Trimble Connect

Below is information that will help you get started on your integration with Trimble Connect.

Create a FREE registered Personal Account of Trimble Connect by clicking here. You can then sign-in to Trimble Connect.

Here are links to a series of training videos that will help you learn more about Trimble Connect and its features.

Here is Documentation and help center.

Take a look at this video to get an overview of the Trimble Connect API.

Here is useful information for you getting started with the API/SDK:

Once you are ready to start leveraging the Trimble Connect API/SDK, you will need to request API credentials unique to your organization and connected application. Please sign up at