
XrmFramework aims at simplifying Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Dataverse plugin, workflows development, deployment and testing

CRM, Dataverse, Dynamics365, DynamicsCrm, PowerApps, dynamics, dynamics-365, dynamics-crm, dynamics-crm-online, xrm
Install-Package XrmFramework.RemoteDebugger.Client -Version 2.2.68


Xrm Framework

The XrmFramework project is the result of 15+ years working on Dynamics 365 / Dataverse projects.

Design Pattern

Several design pattern are included in this framework :

  1. Definition of Services to access CRM Data from Plugins or external code (Webservices, console apps, ...)
  2. Automatic Plugin Step registration from source code (use of attributes to describe plugin and plugin steps)
  3. Advanced plugin traces (service calls are logged)
  4. Metadata Definition extraction tool (no more plain string attribute references)
  5. Definition and automatic registration of Custom Apis

Quick start

Download XrmFramework project templates

The XrmFramework project uses the dotnet new templating capabilities.

To start using XrmFramework on a new project you have to download the XrmFramework.Templates NuGet package by running the following command :

dotnet new -i XrmFramework.Templates

Create a new solution for you Dynamics 365 / Dataverse project

To instantiate a new solution you will need to run the following command:

PS C:\Temp> dotnet new xrmSolution -n {solutionName}

The -n argument will create the solution in the C:\Temp\{solutionName}

The templating service will prompt you to accept the execution of a PowerShell initialization script :

Processing post-creation actions...
Template is configured to run the following action:
Description: Finalize XrmFramework solution initialization
Manual instructions: Initialisation XrmFramework
Actual command: powershell -File initXrm.ps1
Do you want to run this action (Y|N)?

You need to accept this execution to be sure to have the solution configured correctly.

You can add --accept-scripts to install the solution and run the script without the dotnet new script acceptance prompt.

Configure the new project

A connectionStrings.config file as been created in the Config\ folder near of the new solution.

This file will contain the connectionStrings needed for the tools to connect to your Dynamics 365 / Dataverse environments.

    <!-- You must specify here the connection string to your environment
         You can specify several connection strings, you will select the one corresponding to the deployment
         environnement in the xrmFramework selectedConnection attribute below    
    <add name="XrmDev" connectionString="AuthType=OAuth; Url=https://yourorg.crm.dynamics.com; Username=****@***.**; Password=*****; AppId=*****; RedirectUri=*****"/>
    <add name="XrmDev2" connectionString="AuthType=ClientSecret; Url=https://yourorg.crm.dynamics.com; ClientId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000; ClientSecret=*****"/>

The connectionStrings allowed are thoses documented in the Microsoft documentation Use connection strings in XRM tooling to connect to Microsoft Dataverse

The connectionStrings.config file is added to the .gitignore so your connectionString will not be sent to the repository and each developer can use his credentials.

Edit the xrmFramework.config file in the Config solution folder to configure the connection to Dynamics 365 and the configuration of project deployments.

<xrmFramework selectedConnection="XrmDev">
    <entitySolution name="EntitiesSolutionUniqueName" />
        <add name="Contoso.Plugins" targetSolution="PluginsSolutionUniqueName" type="PluginsWorkflows" />
        <add name="Contoso.Webresources" targetSolution="WebResourcesSolutionUniqueName" type="WebResources" />

You can specify several connection strings and pick the one to use in deployment tools by modifying the attribute selectedConnection.

<xrmFramework selectedConnection="XrmDev">

Specify the solution unique name of the solution that is holding the entities in your Dynamics 365 implementation.

<entitySolution name="EntitiesSolutionUniqueName" />

Define project list you have in your solution and the corresponding deployment target solution

    <add name="Contoso.Plugins" targetSolution="PluginsSolutionUniqueName" type="PluginsWorkflows" />
    <add name="Contoso.Webresources" targetSolution="WebResourcesSolutionUniqueName" type="WebResources" />

Generate model definitions

Launch the project executable Utils\DefinitionManager ( you can set the project as Startup project and run it pressing Ctrl + F5 in Visual Studio )

Start of DefinitionManager

The program retrieves all the entities that are referenced in your entities solution.

The definitions already added to you solution will be automatically selected.

Loaded entities

You can select attributes to add them to already generated definitions or select new entities to generate definition files for them.

Select attribute

Optionset attributes, when selected, generate corresponding enums

Select attribute

	[OptionSetDefinition(AccountDefinition.EntityName, AccountDefinition.Columns.AccountCategoryCode)]
	public enum Category
		Null = 0,
		[Description("Preferred Customer")]
		PreferredCustomer = 1,
		Standard = 2,

When you have finished selecting the needed elements you can click on the "Generate Definitions" button.

Generate definitions

The Contoso.Core project is now updated with the definitions you chose.

Create your first plugin

Implement a plugin using the Plugin base class.

using Contoso.Core;
using XrmFramework;

public class SamplePlugin : Plugin
    #region .ctor

    public SamplePlugin(string unsecuredConfig, string securedConfig) : base(unsecuredConfig, securedConfig)


Defining Steps to register

Implement the AddSteps method to define the steps that this plugin will manage

    protected override void AddSteps()
        AddStep(Stages.PreValidation, Messages.Create, Modes.Synchronous, AccountDefinition.EntityName, nameof(Method1));
        AddStep(Stages.PreValidation, Messages.Update, Modes.Synchronous, AccountDefinition.EntityName, nameof(Method1));

        AddStep(Stages.PostOperation, Messages.Update, Modes.Synchronous, AccountDefinition.EntityName, nameof(Method2));

Adding details to the registered steps

For each method that you reference you can specify several information using method attributes :

    [FilteringAttributes(AccountDefinition.Columns.Name, AccountDefinition.Columns.AccountNumber)]
    public void Method(...)
  • PreImageAttribute is used to define the fields that will be added in the preImage that will be registered

  • PostImageAttribute is used to define the fields that will be added in the postImage that will be registered

  • FilteringAttributesAttribute is used to define on which attribute change the method should launch

  • ExecutionOrderAttribute allows specifying the execution order that will be registered

Choosing method arguments

The step method registered in the AddSteps registration can be injected with services

public void Method(IPluginContext context, IAccountService accountService, ...)


XrmFramework contains a bunch of utility methods or Extensions to better work with the SDK.

XrmFramework Utilities


The code is currently on production on several big project but is not at all finished. If you have time and motivation to contribute to it you are welcome to make pull requests. Il will study them and include the changes in this repo.