
A headless Jasmine runner based on PhantomJS and therefore webkit. It does not open a browser window to run the tests, and is self contained, not depending on any other installation like Qt, WebKit or any other library. The only dependency is .NET 4.0.

jasmine, headless, webkit, phantomjs, test, coffeescript, javascript, phantom, bdd, tests, web, tdd, dotnet
Install-Package jasmine-headless-webkit-dotnet -Version 0.1.0


Jasmine Headless Webkit .NET

A runner for Jasmine, inspired on Jasmine Headless Webkit, a Ruby Gem. This will run on any machine that can run .NET. Will work with CoffeeScript and JavaScript.


Still has to be created, and will be hosted on the github wiki.


It may be used without any parameters and a configuration file located on ScriptTests\Support\Jasmine.js relative to where the executable is being called from, like this:


You may use JavaScript or CoffeeScript when you use the runner without any parameters. Please see the example test file for better understanding.

You may also configure the test run, if you would like to change the convention above. Just supply the config file using the /c parameter (or it's long form, /configfile):

jasmine-headless-webkit-dotnet /c config.js
jasmine-headless-webkit-dotnet /configfile config.js

When you run it like this, all the paths are relative to the config file, not to where the runner is run from. The syntax uses [glob](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming\)), through the Globdir nuget.

You may supply an html file to be tested against like this:

jasmine-headless-webkit-dotnet /Filename mytestfile.html

You may supply only the test files and source files, using JavaScript or CoffeeScript:

jasmine-headless-webkit-dotnet /TestFiles spec1.coffee /SourceFiles source1.coffee

This is the help output:

Jasmine Runner based on .NET
<command> [/Help] [/FileName] [/Timeout] [/VerbosityLevel] [/TestFiles] [/SourceFiles] [/ConfigFile]

[/Help|/H|/?]            This help text.
[/FileName|/F]           The test archive.
[/Timeout]               The time to wait for the tests to complete before stopping.
[/VerbosityLevel|/V]     The verbosity level. Defaults to normal. Possible values: normal, verbose.
[/TestFiles|/T]          Javascript files to test.
[/SourceFiles|/S]        Javascript source files.
[/ConfigFile|/C]         Configuration file.

Install via Nuget:

Install-Package jasmine-headless-webkit-dotnet

The package can be found here: http://nuget.org/packages/jasmine-headless-webkit-dotnet


Possible issues

  • Not yet tested on Mono


This software is open source. The specific license is still to be decided.