
This library provides a log4net custom appender for logging into an Amazon Kinesis stream.

f#, fsharp, aws, amazon, kinesis, bigdata, log4net, logging
Install-Package log4net.Kinesis -Version 0.1.1



An actor-based log4net appender for logging to Amazon Kinesis.


Download and install the library from Nuget here.

Appender Properties

StreamName The name of the Amazon Kinesis stream to log entries into.
LevelOfConcurrency the max number of concurrent `PutRecord` requests to Amazon Kinesis allowed. Default is 10.

Example log4net.config

    <appender name="KinesisAppender" type="log4net.Appender.KinesisAppender, log4net.Kinesis">
        <streamName value="MyStream" />
        <levelOfConcurrency value="25" />

        <level value="ALL" />
        <appender-ref ref="KinesisAppender" />

In addition, you should ensure that you have provided the necessary credentials for accessing your AWS account, for instance you might specify the credentials in your app.config file:

    <add key="AWSAccessKey" value="YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"/>
    <add key="AWSSecretKey" value="YOUR_SECRET_KEY"/>
    <add key="AWSRegion" value="us-west-2"/>

Alternatively, if you're running on an Amazon EC2 instance with an IAM role (that has sufficient permission to access the Kinesis stream) then you won't need the above configuration.

Example Record Data

The data sent to Amazon Kinesis from the logger is a JSON string of the form:

    "Timestamp":"2014-01-06 17:20:24.7571264",
    "Message":"Hello World!",


Please report any issues in the issues page.

To help you process the records in your Kinesis stream more easily, check out my other project ReactoKinesiX, a Rx-based .Net client library for building a record-consuming client application on top of Amazon Kinesis.