yii2-unit extension
The extension allows manage block of html contents, files, images.
- Install with composer:
composer require afzalroq/yii2-unit "^1.1"
- After composer install run console command for create tables:
php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/afzalroq/yii2-unit/migrations
- Setup in common config storage and language configurations.
language indexes related with database columns.
Admin panel tabs render by array values order.
Begin id param value from 0.
'modules' => [
'unit' => [ // don`t change module key
'class' => '@afzalroq\unit\Module',
'storageRoot' => $params['staticPath'],
'storageHost' => $params['staticHostInfo'],
'thumbs' => [ // 'sm' and 'md' keys are reserved
'admin' => ['width' => 128, 'height' => 128],
'thumb' => ['width' => 320, 'height' => 320],
'languages' => [
'ru' => [
'id' => 0,
'name' => 'Русский',
'uz' => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'English',
- In admin panel add belove links for manage categories and blocks:
For using BlockController actions you must manual specify their category slug in route.
Extension registers next language arrays to Yii::$app->params[] for use in views:
\Yii::$app->params['cms']['languageIds'][$prefix] = $language['id'];
'en' => 2,
'ru' => 1,
\Yii::$app->params['cms']['languages'][$prefix] = $language['name'];
'en' => 'English',
\Yii::$app->params['cms']['languages2'][$language['id']] = $language['name'];
2 => 'English',
###Frontend widgets integration
get all blocks by category slug
get each block data for current app language:
$units = Unit::getBySlug($slug);
foreach ($units as $unit) {
echo ($blockObject->getModelByType())->get();
- Copy from extension root directory example widgets for frontend integration