Date/Calendar recursion library for PHP 5.3+
Author: Tom Planer
The second version of When.
Current Features
Currently this version does everything version 1 was capable of, it also supports byhour, byminute, and bysecond. Please check the unit tests for information about how to use it.
I will be replacing version 1 with this as soon as I complete the documentation. Until then here are some simple examples:
// friday the 13th for the next 5 occurrences
$r = new When();
$r->startDate(new DateTime("19980213T090000"))
// friday the 13th for the next 5 occurrences rrule
$r = new When();
$r->startDate(new DateTime("19980213T090000"))
When is licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE
for specific details.