
Scrypt key derivation function for Yii2

extension, encryption, pbkdf2, hmac, yii2, scrypt, salsa208, key derivation



Scrypt key derivation function for Yii2

To use it just require this extension in your composer.json file:

"alexandernst/yii2-scrypt": "0.0.4",

And then add it to your components configuration in Yii2:

'components' => [
	'Scrypt' => [
		'class' => 'alexandernst\Scrypt\Scrypt'

To derivate a key, use the following method:

* Scrypt algorithm
* @param  string $password
* @param  string $salt
* @param  int $n CPU/Memory cost parameter, must be larger than 1, a power of 2 and less than 2^(128 * r / 8)
* @param  int $r Block size
* @param  int $p Parallelization parameter, a positive integer less than or equal to ((2^32-1) * hLen) / MFLen where hLen is 32 and MFlen is 128 * r
* @param  int $length Length of the output key
* @throws Exception
* @return string
echo bin2hex(\Yii::$app->Scrypt->calc("plain password", "salt", 8, 8, 16, 32));

This class passes all the tests specified in the documentation.