
A library to parse bbcode without regexes

php, parser, phpbb, bbcode



A flexible bbcode parser to transform bbcode to html. This parser is made without any regex stuff.


The installation of this libary is made via composer. Download composer.phar from their website. Then add to your composer.json :

	"require": {
		"anastaszor/phpbbcodeparser": "1.*"

Then run php composer.phar update to install this library. The autoloading of all classes of this library is made through composer's autoloader.

Test Suite

The run of the test suite is done via phpunit (4.5+). Download phpunit.phar from their website.

Then run the runphpunit bash script from a console. Both the composer.phar and the phpunit.phar files should be in the root folder of this project to run the test suite, as composer will recompose the vendor directory that phpunit will use to access to code files.


While this bbcode parser is made without calling any regex on tags, the complexity of parsing a text from this engine is quasi-linear, ~O(n+t), where n is the length of the text to parse, and t the number of open brackets in that text. That is true if the text is well formed, and may not be true if the text is malformed, like in cases where a [ misses its ] counterpart, due to a large number of calls to strpos, which is linear.

Supported Tags

Here is the list:

Name of tag Syntax
Bold [b]{text}[/b]
Italic [i]{text}[/i]
Underline [u]{text}[/u]
Strike-through [s]{text}[/s]
Font-size [size={number}]{text}[/size]
Font colour [color={colour}]{text}[/color]
Left aligned text [left]{text}[/left]
Centered text [center]{text}[/center]
Right aligned text [right]{text}[/center]
Code [code]{text}[/code]
Quote [quote]{text}[/quote]
Named Quote [quote={name}]{text}[/quote]
Link [url]{url}[/url]
Named Link [url={url}]{text}[/url]
Image [img]{url}[/img]
Dimensionned Image [img={width}x{height}]{url}[/img]
Spoiler [spoiler]{text}[/spoiler]
Titled Spoiler [spoiler={title}]{text}[/spoiler]
List [list][li]{text}[/li]...[/list]
Tables [table][tr][td]{text}[/td]...[/tr]...[/table]
Youtube [youtube]{video id}[/youtube]

This list is based on the list by the bbcode reference. This engine is case-insensitive, meaning that [cEntEr]{...}[/CeNtEr] will work.

! WARNING : One particularity of this parser is that it accepts unterminated and incorrect close tag orders. The parser relies only on the [/ string to close a tag, and searches for a ] if available. In both cases, the deepest tag will be closed when a [/ is encountered, without regarding for the tag name that is said to be closed. The IBbcodeNode::toString() method replaces the right tags at the right places.

Security and Usage

Here's how the engine should be used.

  • First, retrieve the user's bbcode text with some formular.
  • Use this piece of code:
$text = "<place here your user's input>";
$parser = new PhpBbcodeParser();
$node = $parser->parse($text);

$safebbcode = $node->toString();

The $safebbcode variable will contain a string which is what the engine has understand from the inner bbcode. Warning, such string is well bbcode-encoded but has still to be considered as user-input, and is NOT html-safe, NOR sql safe.

  • You can use this string to be stored in some persistant storage, e.g. database.

Then, to get the text back into an html page, do the following:

  • First, retrieve this content from your persistant storage.
  • Use this piece of code:
$text = "<place here what was stored>";
$parser = new PhpBbcodeParser();
$node = $parser->parse($text);

$safeHtml = $node->toHtml();

The $safeHtml variable contains now the user's text in safe html encoded state.

  • You can echo it directly into your web pages.

! WARNING : For the moment, the engine does not guarantee that the valid bbcode tree will input a valid html tree. Nested anchors and/or image tags are possible in bbcode and still invalid in Html. However, list and table data structures are well build by the parser, and will produce valid Html data structures.


The PhpBbcodeParser object may accept an array of tags which will be redirected on creation, and tags that may be forbidden to parse by the engine. The same array may be used to define new tags for the engine to support.

The configuration options are as follows:

$config = array(
	'classes' => array(
		'<tagname>' => '<classname>',	// when the engine will parse given tagname
		...								// the classname node will be loaded
	'forbidden' => array(
$parser = new PhpBbcodeParser($config);

Note that all class names for tags must implement the IBbcodeNode interface. Also, using new classnames, the PhpBbcodeParser MUST be extended in order to be able to parse the new tag for the classname, implementing the function with signature public void parse<classname>(<classname> $node);. If it doesn't, the PhpBbcodeParser will parse the node as if it was a vanilla tag with no attributes, using the parseDefaultNode() method.

Forbidden nodes will stay as-is as text in the user input, without any formatting. In case the user chooses to use such tags, they will be in the html as well as the rest of the text, html-encoded.


phpbbcodeparser is a flexible engine that lets you change its behavior at any point. For example, if you want to change the html output of the tag bold, for example, because you have a special stylesheet that does this, you can:

  • Create a new class that inherits the BoldBbcodeNode class.
class MyCustomBoldNode extends BoldBbcodeNode
	 * @see BoldBbcodeNode::toHtml()
	 * @return string
	public function toHtml()
			return '';
		return '<span class="myboldclass">'.parent::childrenHtml().'</span>';

  • Then you'll have to declare this class into the configuration, like this:

$config = array(
	'classes'=> array(
		'b' => 'MyCustomBoldNode',

$parser = new PhpBbcodeParser($config);

This parser will now parse the text mapping all [b] tags to your custom class.