Silex Cors Service Provider
Silex service provider enabling cross-origin resource sharing for your Silex application. It's based on the Stack/Cors Library in order to do request/response handling.
Require andreiashu/silex-stackcors-provider
using composer.
For more options see the Stack/Cors Library readme
$app = new Silex\Application();
$cors_options = array(
// allow all headers
'allowedHeaders' => array('*'),
// allow requests from localhost only. Use '*' to allow any origins
'allowedOrigins' => array('localhost'),
// optional: use a specific response class when the request is not allowed
// should be a subclass of \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
// example
'denied_reponse_class' => '\Andreiashu\Silex\Provider\CorsServiceDeniedResponse'
$app->register(new Andreiashu\Silex\Provider\CorsServiceProvider($cors_options));
// in a REST API you can add an ->after() hook to check if there are any CORS
// errors and render your response according to your API error standards
$app->after(function (Request $request, Response $response) use ($app) {
if (is_a($response, '\Andreiashu\Silex\Provider\CorsServiceDeniedResponse')) {
// alter the response object as needed