
Model changes history for laravel

framework, model, laravel, history, changes



Records the changes history made to an eloquent model.

Quick installation

Your model must have an id field!

composer require antonrom00/laravel-model-changes-history
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="model-changes-history"
php artisan migrate

Note: this library use database storage as default.


composer require antonrom00/laravel-model-changes-history

The package is auto discovered.

To change the config, publish it using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Providers\ModelChangesHistoryServiceProvider" --tag="config"

You can use three ways for record changes: 'storage' => 'database', 'file' or 'redis'

If you want to use database storage, you must publish the migration file, run the following artisan commands:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Providers\ModelChangesHistoryServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate

Use this environment to manage library:

# Global recorgin model changes history

# Default storage for recorgin model changes history


Add the trait to your model class you want to record changes history for:

use Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Traits\HasChangesHistory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class TestModel extends Model {
    use HasChangesHistory;

     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
     * This will also be hidden for changes history.
     * @var array
    protected $hidden = ['password', 'remember_token'];

Your model now has a relation to all the changes made:


Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Models\Change {
    #attributes:  [
        "model_id" => 1
        "model_type" => "App\TestModel"
        "before_changes" => "{...}"
        "after_changes" => "{...}"
        "change_type" => "updated"
        "changes" => "{
            "title": {
                "before": "Some old title",  
                "after": "This is the new title"
            "body": {
                "before": "Some old body",  
                "after": "This is the new body"
            "password": {
                "before": "[hidden]",  
                "after": "[hidden]"
        "changer_type" =>  "App\User"
        "changer_id" => 1
        "stack_trace" => "{...}"
        "created_at" => "2020-01-21 17:34:31"

Getting all changes history:


Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {
  #items: array:3 [
    0 => Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Models\Change {...}
    1 => Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Models\Change {...}
    2 => Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Models\Change {...}

If you use database storage you can also use morph relations to Change model:


Clearing changes history:


Get an independent changes history:

use Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Facades\HistoryStorage;

$latestChanges = HistoryStorage::getHistoryChanges(); // Return collection fo all latest changes
$latestChanges = HistoryStorage::getHistoryChanges($testModel); // Return collection fo all latest changes for model

$latestChange = HistoryStorage::getLatestChange(); // Return latest change
$latestChange = HistoryStorage::getLatestChange($testModel); // Return latest change for model

HistoryStorage::deleteHistoryChanges(); // This will delete all history changes
HistoryStorage::deleteHistoryChanges($testModel); // This will delete all history changes for model

Getting model changer:

// Return Authenticatable `changer_type` using HasOne relation to changer_type and changer_id
$changer = $latestChange->changer; 
If you use database storage you can use Change model as:
use Antonrom\ModelChangesHistory\Models\Change;

// Get the updates on the given model, by the given user, in the last 30 days:
    ->whereCreatedBetween(now()->subDays(30), now())

Clearing changes history using console:

php artisan changes-history:clear

You can use it in Kelner:

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)