
Yii2 websocket server component Fork From consik yii2 websocket used cboden/ractchet 0.4

websocket, Ratchet, component, yii2


Yii2 WebSocketServer

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Used Ratchet


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require consik/yii2-websocket

or add

"consik/yii2-websocket": "^1.0"

WebSocketServer class description


  1. int $port = 8080 - Port number for websocket server
  2. bool $closeConnectionOnError = true - Close connection or not when error occurs with it
  3. bool $runClientCommands = true - Check client's messages for commands or not
  4. null|IoServer $server = null - IOServer object
  5. null|\SplObjectStorage $clients = null - Storage of connected clients




Class yii\base\Event - Triggered when binding is successfully completed


Class yii\base\Event - Triggered when socket listening is closed


Class events\ExceptionEvent - Triggered when throwed Exception on binding socket


Class events\WSClientEvent - Triggered when client connected to the server


Class events\WSClientEvent - Triggered when client close connection with server


Class events\WSClientErrorEvent - Triggered when an error occurs on a Connection


Class events\WSClientMessageEvent - Triggered when message recieved from client


Class events\WSClientCommandEvent - Triggered when controller starts user's command


Class events\WSClientCommandEvent - Triggered when controller finished user's command


Simple echo server

Create your server class based on WebSocketServer. For example daemons\EchoServer.php:

namespace app\daemons;

use apaoww\yii2websocket\events\WSClientMessageEvent;
use apaoww\yii2websocket\WebSocketServer;

class EchoServer extends WebSocketServer

    public function init()

        $this->on(self::EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE, function (WSClientMessageEvent $e) {
            $e->client->send( $e->message );


Create yii2 console controller for starting server:

namespace app\commands;

use app\daemons\EchoServer;
use yii\console\Controller;

class ServerController extends Controller
    public function actionStart($port = null)
        $server = new EchoServer();
        if ($port) {
            $server->port = $port;

Start your server using console:

php yii server/start

Now let's check our server via js connection:

var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
    conn.onmessage = function(e) {
        console.log('Response:' + e.data);
    conn.onopen = function(e) {
        console.log("Connection established!");

Console result must be:

Connection established!



Handle server starting success and error events

Now we try handle socket binding error and open it on other port, when error occurs;

Create yii2 console controller for starting server:

namespace app\commands;

use apaoww\yii2websocket\WebSocketServer;
use yii\console\Controller;

class ServerController extends Controller
    public function actionStart()
        $server = new WebSocketServer();
        $server->port = 80; //This port must be busy by WebServer and we handle an error

        $server->on(WebSocketServer::EVENT_WEBSOCKET_OPEN_ERROR, function($e) use($server) {
            echo "Error opening port " . $server->port . "\n";
            $server->port += 1; //Try next port to open

        $server->on(WebSocketServer::EVENT_WEBSOCKET_OPEN, function($e) use($server) {
            echo "Server started at port " . $server->port;


Start your server using console command:

php yii server/start

Server console result must be:

Error opening port 80

Server started at port 81

Recieving client commands

You can implement methods that will be runned after some of user messages automatically;

Server class daemons\CommandsServer.php:

namespace app\daemons;

use apaoww\yii2websocket\WebSocketServer;
use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface;

class CommandsServer extends WebSocketServer

     * override method getCommand( ... )
     * For example, we think that all user's message is a command
    protected function getCommand(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg)
        return $msg;

     * Implement command's method using "command" as prefix for method name
     * method for user's command "ping"
    function commandPing(ConnectionInterface $client, $msg)


Run the server like in examples above

Check connection and command working by js script:

    var conn = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
    conn.onmessage = function(e) {
        console.log('Response:' + e.data);
    conn.onopen = function(e) {

Console result must be:



Chat example

In the end let's make simple chat with sending messages and function to change username;

Code without comments, try to understand it by youself ;)

  • Server class daemons\ChatServer.php:
namespace app\daemons;

use apaoww\yii2websocket\events\WSClientEvent;
use apaoww\yii2websocket\WebSocketServer;
use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface;

class ChatServer extends WebSocketServer

    public function init()

        $this->on(self::EVENT_CLIENT_CONNECTED, function(WSClientEvent $e) {
            $e->client->name = null;

    protected function getCommand(ConnectionInterface $from, $msg)
        $request = json_decode($msg, true);
        return !empty($request['action']) ? $request['action'] : parent::getCommand($from, $msg);

    public function commandChat(ConnectionInterface $client, $msg)
        $request = json_decode($msg, true);
        $result = ['message' => ''];

        if (!$client->name) {
            $result['message'] = 'Set your name';
        } elseif (!empty($request['message']) && $message = trim($request['message']) ) {
            foreach ($this->clients as $chatClient) {
                $chatClient->send( json_encode([
                    'type' => 'chat',
                    'from' => $client->name,
                    'message' => $message
                ]) );
        } else {
            $result['message'] = 'Enter message';

        $client->send( json_encode($result) );

    public function commandSetName(ConnectionInterface $client, $msg)
        $request = json_decode($msg, true);
        $result = ['message' => 'Username updated'];

        if (!empty($request['name']) && $name = trim($request['name'])) {
            $usernameFree = true;
            foreach ($this->clients as $chatClient) {
                if ($chatClient != $client && $chatClient->name == $name) {
                    $result['message'] = 'This name is used by other user';
                    $usernameFree = false;

            if ($usernameFree) {
                $client->name = $name;
        } else {
            $result['message'] = 'Invalid username';

        $client->send( json_encode($result) );

  • Simple html form chat.html:
Username:<br />
<input id="username" type="text"><button id="btnSetUsername">Set username</button>

<div id="chat" style="width:400px; height: 250px; overflow: scroll;"></div>

Message:<br />
<input id="message" type="text"><button id="btnSend">Send</button>
<div id="response" style="color:#D00"></div>
  • JS code for chat with jQuery:
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script>
    $(function() {
        var chat = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
        chat.onmessage = function(e) {

            var response = JSON.parse(e.data);
            if (response.type && response.type == 'chat') {
                $('#chat').append('<div><b>' + response.from + '</b>: ' + response.message + '</div>');
                $('#chat').scrollTop = $('#chat').height;
            } else if (response.message) {
        chat.onopen = function(e) {
            $('#response').text("Connection established! Please, set your username.");
        $('#btnSend').click(function() {
            if ($('#message').val()) {
                chat.send( JSON.stringify({'action' : 'chat', 'message' : $('#message').val()}) );
            } else {
                alert('Enter the message')

        $('#btnSetUsername').click(function() {
            if ($('#username').val()) {
                chat.send( JSON.stringify({'action' : 'setName', 'name' : $('#username').val()}) );
            } else {
                alert('Enter username')

Enjoy ;)


Starting yii2 console application as daemon using nohup

nohup php yii _ControllerName_/_ActionName_ &