
Useful string helper functions for php.

php, helpers, fluent, string, helper, str, useful, contains


String Helpers

PHP Support PHP Support License Travis

This library contains some basic php helpers that will make manipulating strings easier and better.


composer require aphp/string-helpers ~1.1.0

Below is the list of string helpers this package provides.

use aphp\Helpers\str

  • str::contains($haystack, $needle, $caseInsensitive = false): checks if the $needle string is present in $haystack string and returns true or false accordingly. When $casInsensitive is true the check will be as the name says, case insensitive.
    $fullName   = 'John Joseph Doe';
    $fatherName = 'Joseph';
    str::contains($fullName, $fatherName); // *true*
    $fatherName = 'joseph';
    str::contains($fullName, $fatherName); // *false*
    str::contains($fullName, $fatherName, true); // *true*
  • str::equals($string1, $string2, $caseInsensitive = false): checks if the given string are equal. When $caseInsensitive is true the check will be case insensitive.
    $string1 = 'In the bleak mid-winter';
    $string2 = 'In the bleak mid-winter';
    str::equals($string1, $string2); // *true*
    $string2 = 'In the bleak MID-WINTER';
    str::equals($string1, $string2); // *false*
    str::equals($string1, $string2, true); // *true*
  • str::starts_with($haystack, $needle, $caseInsensitive = false): checks if the given $haystack string starts with the given $needle. $caseInsensitive = true for case insensitive check.
    $fullName  = 'John Joseph Doe';
    $firstName = 'John';
    str::starts_with($fullName, $firstName); // *true*
    $firstName = 'john';
    str::starts_with($fullName, $firstName); // *false*
    str::starts_with($fullName, $firstName, true); // *true*
    $firstName = 'joseph';
    str::starts_with($fullName, $firstName); // *false*
    str::starts_with($fullName, $firstName, true); // *false*
  • str::ends_with($haystack, $needle, $caseInsensitive = false): checks if the given $haystack string ends with the given $needle. $caseInsensitive = true for case insensitive check.
    $fullName = 'John Joseph Doe';
    $lastName = 'Doe';
    str::ends_with($fullName, $lastName); // *true*
    $lastName = 'doe';
    str::ends_with($fullName, $lastName); // *false*
    str::ends_with($fullName, $lastName, true); // *true*
    $lastName = 'joseph';
    str::ends_with($fullName, $lastName); // *false*
    str::ends_with($fullName, $lastName, true); // *false*
  • str::limit($string, $length, $suffix = '...'): this function limits/splice the $string at the given $length and suffixes it with the given $suffix.
    $title = 'This is a very long string that cannot be displayed in the list section of your blog, so you have to limit it.';
    str::limit($title, 20); // *This is a very long ...*
    str::limit($title, 20, '---'); // *This is a very long ---*
  • str::after($haystack, $needle, bool $caseInsensitive = false): returns the string after $needle from $haystack. When $caseSensitive = true, $needle will be searched case insensitively.
    $title = 'This is a very long string that cannot be displayed in the list section of your blog, so you have to break it.';
    str::after($title, 'This is a very long string that cannot be displayed'); // *in the list section of your blog, so you have to break it.*
    str::after($title, 'Yolo'); // *''*
    str::after($title, 'this'); // *''*
    str::after($title, 'this', true); // *is a very long string that cannot be displayed in the list section of your blog, so you have to break it.*
  • str::before($haystack, $needle, bool $caseInsensitive = false): returns the string before $needle from $haystack. When $caseSensitive = true, $needle will be searched case insensitively.
    $title = 'This is a very long string that cannot be displayed in the list section of your blog, so you have to break it.';
    str::before($title, 'a very long'); // *This is *
    str::before($title, 'Yolo'); // *''*
    str::before($title, 'this'); // *''*
    str::before($title, 'this', true); // *''*
    str::before($title, 'is a very', true); // *This *
  • str::between(string $haystack, string $from, string $to, bool $caseInsensitive = false): returns the string found between the given $from sub-string and $to sub-string from the given $haystack. When $caseInsensitive = true, $from and $to will be searched case insensitively.
    $title = 'This is a very long string that cannot be displayed in the list section of your blog, so you have to break it.';
    str::between($title, 'This', 'long'); // * is a very *
    str::between($title, 'is', 'This'); // *''*
    str::between($title, 'is', 'This', true); // *''*
    str::between($title, 'this', 'is', true); // *' is a very '*
    str::between($title, 'sO YoU hAve', 'it', true); // *' to break '*
  • str::strip_special_chars(string $string, string $replaceWith = ''): strips the given $string of any special characters and returns a string containing only alphabets, or numbers. Passing $replaceWith will replace the special chars in the string with $replaceWith.
    $title = '^&%This*&(*is)(^%^#@_=0it.';
    str::strip_special_chars($title); // *Thisis0it*
    str::strip_special_chars($title, '-'); // *---This----is---------0it-*
  • str::camel_case($string): strips the given $string of any special character and spaces, and turns $string into "CamelCase".
    $title = 'This is a normal string';
    str::camel_case($title); // *thisIsANormalString*
    $title = 'This is$a#normal%string';
    str::camel_case($title); // *thisIsANormalString*
  • str::studly_case($string): strips the given $string of any special character and spaces, and turns it into "studlyCase".
    $title = 'This is a normal string';
    str::studly_case($title); // *ThisIsANormalString*
    $title = 'This is$a#normal%string';
    str::studly_case($title); // *ThisIsANormalString*
  • str::kebab_case($string): strips the given $string of any special character and spaces, and turns it into "kebab-case".
    $title = 'This is a normal string';
    str::kebab_case($title); // *this-is-a-normal-string*
    $title = 'This is$a#normal%string';
    str::kebab_case($title); // *this-is-a-normal-string*
  • str::snake_case($string): strips the given $string of any special character and spaces, and turns it into "snake_case". strips the given $string of any special character and spaces, and turns it into "kebab-case".
    $title = 'This is a normal string';
    str::snake_case($title); // *this_is_a_normal_string*
    $title = 'This is$a#normal%string';
    str::snake_case($title); // *this_is_a_normal_string*
  • str::strip_numbers($string): removes any numeric values found in $string. strips the given $string of any special character and spaces, and turns it into "kebab-case".
    $title = 'great here is my contact no: 12346732';
    str::strip_numbers($title); // *great here is my contact no:*
  • str::chunks($string, $length = 100): breaks the given $string at every $length, and returns an array of string each containing string of $length.
    $title = 'hope ya'll like this small helper library';
    str::chunk($title, 10); // *['hope ya'll', ' like this', ' small hel', 'per librar', 'y']:*

Test running

  • install phpunit, composer, php, mingw64 if not installed
  • composer install at package dir
  • composer run-script test


  • composer run-script install_phpunit5
  • composer run-script test5
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More features

For more features:

  • Read source code and examples
  • Practice with String Helpers in real code