Allow you to generate easily some cutom post types for WordPress

wordpress, custom post type, ayctor, theme development


Ayctor Custom Post Type


The goal of this package is to facilitate the making of Custom Post Type (CPT) within wordpress.

Get Started

First install it with composer

composer require ayctor/cpt

Create a Class for the New CPT

use CustomPostType\Model;

class Example extends Model

Declare your new class in function.php

new CustomPostType\Admin; // required for assets registration
new Example;

Example of fields

// name of your post type
protected $internal_name = 'example';

// generate labels, you can also use protected $labels
protected $name = 'Examples';

// list of args for register_post_type()
protected $cpt_args = [
    'public' => true,
    'publicly_queryable' => true,
    'exclude_from_search' => false,
    'show_ui' => true,
    'show_in_menu' => true,
    'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
    'query_var' => true,
    'capability_type' => 'post',
    'has_archive' => false,
    'hierarchical' => false,
    'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-carrot',
    'rewrite' => true,
    'menu_position' => null,
    'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'excerpt' )

// list of args for register_taxonomy()
protected $taxonomies = [
    'carrot_cat' => [
        'label' => 'Country',
        'hierarchical' => true,
        'rewrite' => ['slug' => '/country']
    'carrot_tag' => [
        'label' => 'Colors',
        'hierarchical' => false,
        'rewrite' => ['slug' => '/colors']

// Load all data to CPT editor page
public function adminEditor()
     // Add meta box
    $this->metaBox('ay-carrot-meta', 'Carrots');

    // Add fields
    $this->label('Information', 'carrot_info', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->info('carrot_info', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('Text', 'carrot_text', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->text('carrot_text', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('Text multiple', 'carrot_text_multiple', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->text('carrot_text_multiple', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['multiple' => true]);

    $this->label('Text Disabled', 'carrot_disabled', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->text('carrot_disabled', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['attributes' => ['disabled' => 'disabled']]);

    $this->label('Number', 'carrot_number', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->number('carrot_number', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('Date', 'carrot_date', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->date('carrot_date', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('Time', 'carrot_time', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->time('carrot_time', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('File', 'carrot_file', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->file('carrot_file', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('File multiple', 'carrot_file_multiple', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->file('carrot_file_multiple', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['multiple' => true]);

    $this->label('Textarea', 'carrot_textarea', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->textarea('carrot_textarea', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('Textarea disabled', 'carrot_textarea_disabled', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->textarea('carrot_textarea_disabled', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['attributes' => ['disabled' => 'disabled']]);

    $this->label('Select', 'carrot_select', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->select('carrot_select', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['options' => ['are' => 'yes', 'eest' => 'testons']]);

    $this->label('Select multiple', 'carrot_select_multiple', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->select('carrot_select_multiple', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['multiple' => true, 'options' => ['are' => 'yes', 'test' => 'no']]);

    $this->label('Radio', 'carrot_radio', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->radio('carrot_radio', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['options' => ['areyou' => 'yes', 'ares' => 'se y'], 'inline' => false]);

    $this->label('Checkbox', 'carrot_checkbox', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->checkbox('carrot_checkbox', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['options' => ['areyou' => 'yes', 'ares' => 'se y']]);

    $this->editor('carrot_editor', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('Image', 'carrot_image', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->image('carrot_image', 'ay-carrot-meta');

    $this->label('Gallery', 'carrot_gallery', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->image('carrot_gallery', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['gallery' => true]);

    $this->label('CPT', 'carrot_cpt', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->cpt('carrot_cpt', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['args' => ['post_type' => 'image']]);

    $this->label('CPT Multiple', 'carrot_cpt_multiple', 'ay-carrot-meta');
    $this->cpt('carrot_cpt_multiple', 'ay-carrot-meta', ['multiple' => true]);

    // Custom columns
    $this->column('cb', '<input type="checkbox" />', true);
    $this->column('title', 'Title', true);
    $this->column('carrot_thumb', 'Thumbnail', false, 'thumbnail');
    $this->column('carrot_time', 'Time', true, 'meta');
    $this->column('carrot_cat', 'Country', false, 'term');
    $this->column('carrot_tag', 'Colors', false, 'term');
    $this->column('carrot_custom', 'Custom', false, 'custom', 'My custom value');
    $this->column('date', 'Date', true);

    // Custom filters
    $this->filter('carrot_radio', array( '' => 'Carrot radio test', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No' ));
    $this->filter('test', array( '' => 'test', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'));

Usefuls links

List of args for register_post_type :

List of args for register_taxonomy :