SilverStripe 3 GridField based management of has_one , has_many , and many_many relationship selection
- SilverStripe >= 3.1
- Andrew Short's GridFieldExtensions [ ]
- An efficient* GridField based interface to manage relationship selections.
- GridField doesn't appear to natively support has_one relationships.
- The ability to edit and create selected items.
Thanks to the great work of the SilverStripe team and Andrew Short's GridFieldExtensions, the development of this module was a bit easier. Be kind to them.
* by efficient we needed ajax + pagination, as we couldn't load all records into a dropdown list for instance.
Usage Overview
link button search [via GridFieldExtensions]
Mock DataObject
class Dog extends DataObject {
static $db = array(
'Title' => 'Varchar',
// ....
static $has_one = array(
'Breeder' => 'Breeder'
'Dam' => 'Dog',
'Sire' => 'Dog',
// ....
static $has_many = array(
'Owners' => 'Member',
// ....
// ....
Field Usage
// sortable field appropriate for selection of has_many and many_many objects
$field = new PickerField('Owners', 'Owners', $this->Owners(), 'Select Owner(s)', 'SortOrder');
// non-sortable version of the above
$field = new PickerField('Owners', 'Owners', $this->Owners());
// sortable field appropriate for the parent selection of a has_one relationship
$field = new HasOnePickerField($this, 'DamID', 'Selected Dam', $this->Dam(), 'Select a Dam');
// we also allow the ability to create and edit associated records via enableCreate, enableEdit methods.
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', array(
new HeaderField('Info','Info Blocks'),
$field = new HasOnePickerField($this, 'AboutInfoBlockID', 'About Block', $this->AboutInfoBlock())
$field->enableCreate('Add Block')->enableEdit();
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