
Profiler for PHP to measure memory usage and performance.

performance, profiler, memory


#Canteen Profiler

Canteen Profiler is a useful tool for debugging performance and memory usage of PHP. Also, Profiler has additional options for messuring SQL query performance. Canteen Profiler docs.


Install is available using Composer.

composer require canteen/profiler dev-master

Including using the Composer autoloader in your index.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

##Sample Usage

use Canteen\Profiler\Profiler;

// Create the profiler
$profiler = new Profiler();

$profiler->start('Some Task');
// bunch of code here!
$profiler->end('Some Task');

// Render the profiler onto your page
echo $profiler->render();

###Rebuild Documentation

This library is auto-documented using YUIDoc. To install YUIDoc, run sudo npm install yuidocjs. Also, this requires the project CanteenTheme be checked-out along-side this repository. To rebuild the docs, run the ant task from the command-line.

ant docs


Copyright (c) 2013 Matt Karl

Released under the MIT License.