
composer require castor/incubator dev-master

php, output, io, input, PHP7, golang


Castor Incubator

Unstable apis and libraries from Castor Labs

composer require castor/incubator dev-main

NOTE: This library is completely unstable, lacks proper testing and breaks apis constantly. Use it just for experimental purposes.



In the Net\Http namespace you'll find an incomplete implementation of the HTTP protocol. This implementation is mutable, and heavily object oriented. It is much based on in the Golang implementation.

Inside it, there is a CGI implementation that you can use to quickly create PHP web applications that sit under a web server like Apache, Nginx, Caddy or others.

It is very easy to create a simple application:

use function Castor\Net\Http\Cgi\serve;
use function Castor\Net\Http\handlerFunc;
use Castor\Net\Http\Request;
use Castor\Net\Http\ResponseWriter;

// First, we define a simple function that writes a response
function hello(ResponseWriter $writer, Request $request): void {
    $writer->getHeaders()->add('Content-Type', 'text/html');
        '<h1>Hello world!</h1><p>The requested path is %s</p>',

// Then, we convert that function into a Castor\Net\Http\Handler
$handler = handlerFunc('hello');

// Then, we use the serve method to handle the CGI request.