
Wrapper library for using the Checkfront API

check, front, travel, checkfront, bookings


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Checkfront PHP SDK (v3.0)

The Checkfront API allows you to build integrations and custom applications that interact with the Checkfront service.


The Checkfront API SDK provides the following functionality:

  • OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication.
  • OAuth 2.0 token refresh.
  • Token pair authorization.
  • Session handing.
  • Access to Checkfront Objects via GET, POST, PUT and DELETE request.


This repo is setup to extend off of the library created by Checkfront. To easily add or update this library, a Composer.json file has been created.

If you are not using Composer, you should be. It's an excellent way to manage dependencies in your PHP application. Offically Checkfront does not have a registered Composer library, no problem it can be setup via the following code:

Setup composer with the needed code:

$ composer init --require="checkfront/checkfront:3.0.*" -n 
$ composer install

Now the needed code should be available within your project.

Next, at the top of your PHP script require the autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


The examples are a good place to start, there are several in the examples folder. The minimal you'll need to have is:

$Checkfront = new Checkfront(
        'auth_type' => 'token',
        'consumer_key'  => 'CHANGE_ME',
        'consumer_secret' => 'CHANGE_ME',
        'account_id' => 'off',
    // fetch all bookings
    public function query_booking($booking_id) {
        $response = $this->Checkfront->get('booking/index');
        return $response;