
A PHP library to query a Source game server (Counter Strike, Half Life, Team Fortress ect. )

source, server, game



Build Status

This is a fork of the original SourceQuery by Yannickcr.

This little PHP library helps to query a Source engine server for games like:

  • Counter Strike Source
  • Team Fortress
  • Left 4 Dead
  • Garrys Mod
  • and many more..


Simply add the mario-deluna/sourcequery to you composer requirements.

    "mario-deluna/sourcequery": "dev-master"

How to use


$client = new SourceQuery\Client( '', 27015 );

// print the name of the server
echo $client->server()->name;

The server object

$server = $client->server();

 * byte     Protocol version used by the server.

 * string   Name of the server.

 * string   Map the server has currently loaded.

 * string   Name of the folder containing the game files.

 * string   Full name of the game.
 * Don't get confused this is the name of the gamemode.

 * short    Steam Application ID of game.

 * int      Number of players on the server.

 * int      Maximum number of players the server reports it can hold.

 * int      Number of bots on the server.

 * string   Indicates the type of server:
 *  'd' for a dedicated server
 *  'l' for a non-dedicated server
 *  'p' for a SourceTV relay (proxy)

 * string   Same as server type but return the full string

 * string   Indicates the operating system of the server:
 *  'l' for Linux
 *  'w' for Windows
 *  'm' or 'o' for Mac (the code changed after L4D1)

 * bool     Indicates whether the server requires a password:
 *  false for public
 *  true for private

 * bool     Specifies whether the server uses VAC:
 *  false for unsecured
 *  true for secured
