
eZ Platform bundle which provides user role inheritance.

inheritance, ezpublish, role, ezplatform


eZ Platform Role Inheritance Bundle

This is an eZ Platform bundle which provides user role inheritance.

This is different from the built-in User Group inheritance because it allows for fine-grained, easy management of user roles that doesn't depend on groups.

(This is an eZ Platform port of permissions-inheritance-bundle.)


  • Run composer require:
$ composer require contextualcode/ezplatform-role-inheritance-bundle
  • Enable this bundle in app/AppKernel.php file by adding next line in registerBundles method:
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new ContextualCode\EzPlatformRoleInheritanceBundle\ContextualCodeEzPlatformRoleInheritanceBundle(),
  • Add the routes to your app/config/routing.yml:
    resource: "@ContextualCodeEzPlatformRoleInheritanceBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /
  • Create new custom database tables:
$ cat vendor/contextualcode/ezplatform-role-inheritance-bundle/src/ContextualCode/EzPlatformRoleInheritanceBundle/SQL/MySQL/schema.sql | mysql -u <username -p<password> <database_name>

Note: If you are upgrading from an eZ 5.x install that was using contextualcode/permissions-inheritance-bundle, please instead run the upgrade SQL to retain your old role inheritances:

$ cat vendor/contextualcode/ezplatform-role-inheritance-bundle/src/ContextualCode/EzPlatformRoleInheritanceBundle/SQL/MySQL/upgrade.sql | mysql -u <username -p<password> <database_name>
  • Done.


  1. Just open the role view page in the admin UI. There will be new functionality to add parent/child roles, in the "Role Inheritances" tab.
  2. Additional code needs to be executed to assign inherited roles to the user: you must call the function handleUserChildRoles($userId) of RoleInheritanceService. You can use a custom login handler/event listener or any other way to call that code. For example, you can create AppBundle\Security\User\Provider.php that extends eZ\Publish\Core\MVC\Symfony\Security\User\Provider. Add the RoleInheritanceService to the constructor, and override the refreshUser function to add these lines to load the inherited roles:
$userId = $user->getAPIUser()->contentInfo->id;

Then you must set to use the id of this new Provider. Now users will inherit roles set in the admin UI.