#Mailchimp API v2 PHP Wrapper
This PHP library wraps version 2 of Mailchimp's API. The library closely follows the documentation at http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/2.0/
- PHP >= 5.3
- cURL module
##Version 0.9 This is wrapper is currently undergoing testing, and is considered beta, but will be in production shortly. Issues will be resolved quickly as they present themselves.
##Convention Version 2 of Mailchimp's API is divided into nine sections: Campaigns, Ecomm, Folders, Lists, Helper, Reports, Templates, User and Vip. (http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/2.0/#method-sections) This library implements each of those as properties of the client and can be accessed accordingly:
- $mc->campaigns->method();
- $mc->ecomm->method();
Methods and arguments are mapped identically to Mailchimp's API documentation so that should provide clear instruction on using this wrapper.
###Create a New Campaign
$mc = new Mailchimp\Client('Api Key');
$result = $mc->campaigns->create(
'list_id' => 'YOUR LIST ID',
'subject' => 'Test Campaign '.date('m/d/y g:ia'),
'from_email' => 'you@yourdomain.com',
'from_name' => 'Test Sender',
'to_name' => 'Test Recipient',
array( 'html' => '<p>Test Campaign Message</p>')
###Send a Campaign
$mc = new Mailchimp\Client('Api Key');
Mailchimp allows you to use an oAuth2 token in place of an API Key, but the datacenter can't be extracted from an oAuth token, so you can set it as a second optional argument of the Mailchimp\Client constructor.
$mc = new Mailchimp\Client('oAuth2 Token', 'us1');
If you don't know your datacenter, you can find out like this:
$mc = new Mailchimp\Client('oAuth2 Token');
$result = $mc->oauth2->metadata();
echo $result->dc;