Workspace Template for a PHP Component
Install the template using composer
$ composer create-project dankempster/workspace-component myvendor-mycomponent/
$ cd myvendor-mycomponent/
Replace distribtion files
$ rm composer.json
$ mv composer.json.dist composer.json
$ touch
The template uses the example package name Acme\Component. Replace that with your package name by performing search and replace on the following files:
- composer.json :
- acme/component - my-vendor/my-component
- Acme\\Component\\ - MyVendor\\MyComponent\\
- phpunit.xml.dist
- Acme/Component - MyVendor/MyComponent
Now write your own file.
Directory Structure
Fairly simple and self explanatory structure:
|- docs/
|- src/
|- tests/
|- .gitignore.yml
|- .composer.json
|- phpunit.xml.dist
CI and SaaS
This template also includes configuration files for:
- Travis CI
- Scrutinizr
- Coveralls
All of which are free for Open Source projects.
Tip: Also check out SensionInsight - no configuration required.
Travis CI
Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service with Github integration. So when the hosted repo revies pull requests or pushes, Travis CI will start a build and run your projects tests.
Is a code quality analysis tool, in fact it's many tools in one. Like Travis CI, Scrutiinizer integrates with Github and so will perform an "inspection" when the hosted repo recieves any pushes or pull requests. This workspace doesn't include any default configuration for Scrutinizer (I like to use global configuratoins in my account), but Travis is configured (.travis.yml) to send code coverage reports (clover.xml) to Scrutiinizer.
Coveralls is an only code coverage visualisation aid. This repo uses the satooshi/php-coveralls as a dev-dependancy to upload cover coverage reports to Coveralls after a Travis build.