
Module with 235 countries and flags

zf2, flags, countries


delboy1978uk/del-countries-flags A module with 235 countries,4 differently sized flag images for each country, and a form select element, with view helper.

Installation: Add this to your modules array in application config: 'DelCountriesFlags'

To get a Country entity in your controller: $countryService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('delcountriesflags_service'); $country = $countryService()->getCountry('ESP'); //or GBR, USA, etc

To get a dropdown select element of countries: $select = $countryService()->getCountriesFormSelectElement();

Flag image urls: http://yoursite/flag/medium/FRA

Url allowed sizes: tiny small medium large

View Helpers: echo $this->delCountriesFlagsName('ESP'); //Country name echo $this->delCountriesFlagsFlag('ESP','tiny'); //Flag image, same sizes as above echo $this->formSelect($this->delCountriesFlagsSelectDropdown());

Flag images from Flags of all Countries. If you like and use these flags please give them a link back to their site!