
Yii2 blog working with mongodb

mongodb, blog, extension, yii2


Yii2 Blog MongoDB

It's a multi-language blog extension that uses Mongodb that gives you an awesome performance.

Check this tutorial that I like, in order to know more about Mongodb.


  • You have to have Mongodb up and running, so download it from here.
  • Also you have to have Mongodb PHP driver installed.

And you run Mongodb through the following command:

mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log
  • And you setup the extension through the composer:

    composer require devmustafa/yii2-blog-mongodb

Or add the following line in your composer.json:

"devmustafa/yii2-blog-mongodb": "*"


  1. In your common config file add the following db component:

     'components' => [
         'mongodb' => [
             'class' => '\yii\mongodb\Connection',
             'dsn' => 'mongodb://', // local
             // 'dsn' => 'mongodb://DB_MONGO_USERNAME:DB_MONGO_PASSWORD@DB_MONGO_HOST/DB_MONGO_NAME, // remote
  2. In your frontend config file add the following module:

     'modules' => [
         'blog' => [
             'id' => 'blog',
             'class' => devmustafa\blog\modules\frontend\Module::className(),
             'used_languages' => ['en', 'ar'], // list of languages used
             'default_language' => 'en', // default language
             'listing_size' => 10, // default size of listing page
             'rules' => [ // setup rules for frontend routes
                 // change key not value
                 'posts' => '/post',
                 'post/<slug>' => '/post/single',
                 'category/<slug>' => '/post/category', // posts related to a specific category
  3. In your backend config file add the following module:

     'modules' => [
         'blog' => [
             'id' => 'blog',
             'class' => devmustafa\blog\modules\backend\Module::className(),
             'upload_url' => '', // full upload url
             'upload_directory' => '/full/path/to/uploads/dir', // full upload directory
             'used_languages' => ['en', 'ar'], // list of languages used
             'default_language' => 'en', // default language

default_language must be one of your used_languages array, and if you would like to use a dynamic language in your app, so leave it empty:

'default_language' => '', // empty (don't remove)

In this case the extension reading the value of Yii::$app->langauge and it should be one of your defined used_languages array.


  1. Go to your backend url to add some posts/authors/categories:

    • /blog/post
    • /blog/author
    • /blog/category
  2. Then you check it out on your frontend:

    • /posts