
Classification Store Manager Bundle for Pimcore 5 provides useful methods for work with CS feature.

bundle, pimcore, classification store


Pimcore 5 CS (Classification Store) Manager

Software License Join the chat at https://gitter.im/pimcore5-clipboard/Lobby Build Status

⚠️ Pimcore 5 CS Manager bundle is for now in a in-progress phase - it can be incompleted for now and we cannot guarantee correct work.

Pimcore 5 CS Manager Bundle provides service for nice and easy work with Pimcore Classification Store feature.

Table of Contents


Bundle was created for developers who need to work a lot with great Pimcore feature - Classification Store. Goal is to provide as much simple methods as possible for easier use of CS in a Service possible to use in the whole application. Example methods are:

  • array getKeyValues(int $keyId) - provide all object values for attribute
  • array getKeyGroups(int $keyId) - provide all groups in which attribute exists


This module is compatible with Pimcore ^5.0.


This plugin requires php >= 7.0.

Installing/Getting started

First step - minimum stability

Because bundle is for now in the alpha phase you need to be sure that your composer.json minimum stability is alpha:

"minimum-stability": "alpha"

Second step - fetch bundle

composer require divante-ltd/pimcore5-cs-manager

Third step - enable bundle

php bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable DivanteCsManagerBundle


In code

    #1. get service
    $csManager = $this->get('divante.csmanager');
    #2. use its methods
    $values = $csManager->getKeyValues(111);               
    $groups = $csManager->getKeyGroups(111);

By command line

    php bin/console divante:csmanager getKeyValues 111
    php bin/console divante:csmanager getKeyGroups 111


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


The code in this project is licensed under GPLv3 license.

Standards & Code Quality

This module respects our own PHPCS and PHPMD rulesets which are based on PSR-1 and PSR-2.

About Authors

Divante-logo We are a Software House from Europe, headquartered in Poland and employing about 150 people. Our core competencies are built around Magento, Pimcore and bespoke software projects (we love Symfony3, Node.js, Angular, React, Vue.js). We specialize in sophisticated integration projects trying to connect hardcore IT with good product design and UX. Visit our website Divante.co for more information.