
ZF2 module to set PHP ini settings based on the configuration data

zf2, module, dluphpsettings, php settings, zend framework 2




DluPhpSettings is a Zend Framework 2 module used to set the PHP ini settings based on the configuration data.

More info

You can find more information and discussion of this module on my blog ZF Daily here: Configuring PHP ini Settings in ZF2

Installation - manual

  1. Go to your project's directory.
  2. Clone this project into your ./vendor directory as a DluPhpSettings module:

    git clone https://bitbucket.org/dlu/dluphpsettings.git ./vendor/DluPhpSettings

  3. Follow the Post installation steps bellow

Installation - with Composer

  1. Go to your project's directory.
  2. Edit your composer.json file and add "dlu/dluphpsettings": "dev-master" into require section.
  3. Run php composer.phar install (or php composer.phar update).
  4. Follow the Post installation steps bellow

Post installation steps

  1. Enable the DluPhpSettings module in your app config file <your app>/config/application.config.php:
 - add `'DluPhpSettings',` under `modules`


Put any allowed PHP ini settings under the phpSettings key into any of your configuration files:

/* Global application configuration in /config/autoload/global.php */
return array(
    'phpSettings'   => array(
        'display_startup_errors'        => false,
        'display_errors'                => false,
        'max_execution_time'            => 60,
        'date.timezone'                 => 'Europe/Prague',
        'mbstring.internal_encoding'    => 'UTF-8',

You can find the list of available PHP ini directives in the PHP docs.

Use the global config files for global application configuration and local config files for settings relevant only to the local environment.
