
A field widget to render amazon products.



Amazon product widget

Provides a field widget to render amazon products given ASINs.

The product data will be fetched from Amazon using the Product Advertising API. Once the data is fetched it will be cached locally to stay withins Amazons request limit.

On top of that the widget itself will be loaded via Ajax which will be cached in the response. This way an article or page can be cached indefinitely but the amazon products will be updated regularly disregarding the sites overall caching strategy.

Table of content


  • Fetch & render amazon products within a field widget
  • Fetches the field via Ajax to get cached product data
  • Generic styling for Desktop & Mobile
  • Fallback to amazon search results when products are unavailable
  • Can download and parse deal information and display correct price if deal is available


You will need an Amazon Associates account and register it for the Product Advertising API to get the credentials needed.


  • composer require drunomics/amazon_product_widget
  • Install this module as you would a normal Drupal module


Amazon settings configuration

Enable & configure the amazon_paapi module, which was install with composer, see README of the module.

Amazon product widget configuration

Set the following amazon_product_widget.settings configuration:

  • max_requests_per_day - Amazons own request per day limit (default 8640) (see Caching and request limits)
  • max_requests_per_second - Amazons own request per second limit (default 1) (see Caching and request limits)
  • render_max_age - Render cache for the widget in seconds
  • call_to_action_text - Link text for the product which leads to amazon page
  • price_decimal_separator - Decimal separator used for the price
  • price_thousand_separator - Thousand separator used for the price
  • fill_up_with_fallback - Search terms will always fill up to 3 products even if only one ASIN was entered into the widget
  • amazon_api_disabled - Use this to disable api calls, e.g. on ci or any non production environments to prevent using up requests.

Add the Amazon product widget field to a node or paragraph and configure form & display.

Deals configuration

Set the following amazon_product_widget.deal_settings configuration:

  • max_csv_processing_time - maximum processing time (in seconds) that a chunk of the Deals CSV will be processed. (default: 30)

  • deal_feed_url - Deal Feed URL: this must point to the Deal file that Amazon provides.

  • deal_feed_username - Deal Feed username that Amazon provided.

  • deal_feed_password - Deal Feed password that Amazon provided.

  • deal_feed_activated - Whether the Deal Feed is active i.e. prices are taken from deals if available. (default: false)

  • deal_cron_interval - Interval at which the deals will be updated in minutes. (default: 1440)

Caching and request limits

Amazon has very specific requirements regarding request limits (see Efficiency Guidelines.) so it is necessary to cache the data locally and update it on a regular basis via cronjob. At least there is a base limit per day (8640) and one per second, these can be overriden if needed.

When the data is saved it will set a renewal date (which is 48 hours by default) for when the cronjob will try to update the data form amazon again. The next renewal can be overridden in the setting (in hours):

amazon_product_widget.products.renewal_time amazon_product_widget.search_results.renewal_time

The number of items which will be renewed per cron run is by default 100, and can be set in this setting:

amazon_product_widget.products.renewal_limit amazon_product_widget.search_results.renewal_limit


  • Renew amazon product data - for being able to manually refresh the product data via /admin/config/services/amazon/product-renewal


In the form widget, enter one or more ASINs for the products which should be displayed by default. Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items. You can find the ASIN on the item's product information page at Amazon.

Optionally enter search terms which will be used when the products are unavailable to list the search results in place of the entered products.


The module allows for overrides to be set for each individual product. This is useful if you want to set any custom data to be stored along with product information, like override images, title, etc. To set an override, simply use the 'amazon_product_widget.product_service' service and call the method setOverrides(). The argument is an array. Each key should be the product ASIN you are setting the overrides for. The value can be any type.

An example:

$productService = \Drupal::service('amazon_product_widget.product_service');
    'B00318CA92' => [
        'additional_info' => 'This is some additional information',

The overrides are now set. You can get them back by calling getProductData(['B00318CA92']) which will return:

    'B00318CA92' => [
        'ASIN' => 'B00318CA92',
        // All other fields filled by Amazon...
        'overrides' => [
            'additional_info' => 'This is some additional information',


Basic commands

The module comes with a set of commands which you can use to interact with the modules functionality.

  • apw:queue-product-renewal

Queues all products for renewal, this will be done in the next cron run.

  • apw:run-product-renewal

Runs the product renewal immediately without waiting for cron. When the request limit is reached, this command will stop and show the number of products still waiting for renewal. You can run it multiple times to update all products.

  • apw:stale

Shows the number of stale products (needing updating) that are currently in the database.

Override commands

  • apw:overrides <ASIN>

Shows the overrides stored for the product with the provided ASIN.

  • apw:reset-all-renewals

Resets all renewals so that all the products in the database will be considered stale and updated on the next cron run.

Deals commands

The following commands are available related to the Deals Feed API.

  • apw:deals:active-deals

Gets the total number of active deals currently in the Deal store.

  • apw:deals:update <path>

Updates the Deals store with the deals provided in CSV file. If no path is provided, the file will be downloaded from the Amazon API (if configured).

  • apw:deals:info <ASIN>

Gets Deal information for a particular ASIN.

Usage commands

The following commands are available to get information about product usage.

  • apw:entity-products <entity_id> <entity_type>

Returns products that are contained in the given entity. <entity_type> is optional and defaults to 'node'.

  • apw:product-entities <ASIN>

Returns the entity ID and type that contain the given product (ASIN).


The module provides the following hooks:

hook_amazon_product_widget_alter_product_data(array &$products_container, AmazonProductField $product_field, NodeInterface $node = NULL)

It allows modification of product data passed to the product widget template. You would modify the product data in the product container. Also passed is the Amazon product field, and lastly the node on which the field is being displayed on. This can also be NULL in the case where the field is attached to a taxonomy term.

hook_amazon_product_widget_alter_validate_product_data(AmazonProductField $product_field, array $product_data)

Allows you to validate if the product is valid. This allows you to show the amazon product widget even though the product is not available, then you can, for example, show your own custom message instead of the product box being absent altogether.

hook_amazon_product_widget_get_custom_asin_map(FieldableEntityInterface $entity)

Whenever an entity is saved, an ASIN map in the database gets updated, so we always know which entity contains which products (ASINs) and which product belongs to which entities.

If you have products (ASINs) stored in a custom field in an entity, you can extract and return them here, they will be added to the ASIN map for that entity.


Supporting organizations: