
A theme for Drupal Pyramid project theme.

drupal-pyramid, drupal-theme, manyrepo


Drupal Pyramid Theme

This theme is used in our main project at Drupal Pyramid.

It aims to be added via Composer and be updated via Git Subtree.

Getting started

  1. Add this theme as a dependency to your main Drupal project:
composer require drupal-pyramid/drupal_pyramid_theme
  1. Add autoload custom scripts to your composer.json:
  "scripts": {
    "drupal-pyramid-theme-build": "DrupalPyramidTheme\\composer\\ScriptHandler::build",
    "drupal-pyramid-theme-update": "DrupalPyramidTheme\\composer\\ScriptHandler::update",
    "post-install-cmd": [
    "post-update-cmd": [

If you want to know why you have to add the autoload scripts yourself, see this thread.

  1. Add this theme as a subproject with Git Subtree:
git remote add -f drupal_pyramid_theme ssh://git@github.com:drupal-pyramid/drupal_pyramid_theme.git
git subtree add --prefix web/modules/custom/drupal_pyramid_theme drupal_pyramid_theme master --squash
git fetch drupal_pyramid_theme master
git subtree pull --prefix web/modules/custom/drupal_pyramid_theme drupal_pyramid_theme master --squash
  1. Contribute back to this theme:
git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git subtree push --prefix=web/modules/custom/drupal_pyramid_theme drupal_pyramid_theme master

Build and assets

We use custom Composer scripts to generate assets (see composer.json).

  "scripts": {
    "drupal-pyramid-theme-build": "DrupalPyramidTheme\\ScriptHandler::build",
    "drupal-pyramid-theme-update": "DrupalPyramidTheme\\ScriptHandler::update",
    "post-install-cmd": [
    "post-update-cmd": [