


Thumper is a simple RabbitMQ client for RoadRunner workers.
It utilizes RoadRunner's process manager to manage RabbitMQ consumers.

Main goals of this plugin are:

  • allow single worker to consume multiple queues
  • replace php amqp libraries

Project status

This project is in early development stage.
It is not recommended to use it in production.


Using prepared velox_rr.toml

Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in your github token.

docker compose run --rm \
    -e RT_TOKEN=read_only_github_token \
    -e VERSION="v2024.1.3-thumper-$TAG" \
    -e TIME="$(date +%FT%T%z)" \
    -e GOOS=linux \
    -e GOARCH=amd64 \

Using custom velox config

To use a custom Velox configuration, add this plugin to the plugins section of your velox_rr.toml file:

thumper = { ref = "v0.0.0", owner = "dstrop", repository = "thumper" }

Replace v0.0.0 with the actual version you want to use. You can find the version by checking the latest tags in the thumper repository.

For more detailed information on customizing the build process, refer to the RoadRunner customization documentation.


The project is setup to have the dev env in docker. And all normal commands are wrapped in make commands.


  • Install the php dependencies for the plugin and example worker.

    make composer
  • Start example consumer.
    Consumer runs under reflex and will restart on code changes.

    make up-consumer
  • Run the example producer.

    make up-producer
  • Review the make commands.

    make help