
ESI (EVE Swagger Interface) API client

esi, eve, eve-online, http-client, httplug, esi-api-client



StyleCI Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage

Getting Started


esi-api-client is developed with httplug. HTTPlug allows you to write reusable libraries and applications that need an HTTP client without binding to a specific implementation. When all packages used in an application only specify HTTPlug the application developers can choose the client that best fits their project and use the same client with all packages.

Please see usage of httplug for more info.


$ composer require evedashboard/esi-api-client


The esi-api-client library exposes a simple and expressive api for you to interact with.

    $esiClient = \Evedashboard\EsiClient\EsiClient::create()->authenticate('ACCESS_TOKEN');

    $response = $esiClient->industry()->getCorporationJobs($corpId);

     * You can then access the individual components of the response as an associative array via:
     * $response->reasonPhrase
     * $response->statusCode
     * $response->headers
     * $response->body
     * Below is an excerpt of the body returned.
     *         array:40 [â–¼
     *            0 => array:18 [â–¼
     *             "job_id" => 75353
     *              "installer_id" => 78654354
     *              "facility_id" => 87678456453
     *              "location_id" => 7864534563
     *              "activity_id" => 4
     *              "blueprint_id" => 78584683684783
     *              "blueprint_type_id" => 78575
     *              "blueprint_location_id" => 1782872875
     *              "output_location_id" => 287268765
     *              "runs" => 10
     *              "status" => "active"
     *              "duration" => 332928
     *              "start_date" => "2018-02-27T12:01:12Z"
     *              "end_date" => "2018-03-03T08:30:00Z"
     *              "cost" => 159539.0
     *              "licensed_runs" => 200
     *              "probability" => 1.0
     *              "product_type_id" => 42888
     *            ]
     *            1 => array:18 [â–¶]
     *            2 => array:18 [â–¶]

Further usage documentation can be found at read the docs, if you have any questions please email me at contact@kxvrzihmkuag.com.

Please see the guidelines for contributing on how to generate complete API documentation.


Testing is handled by PHPUnit 7. You can run the tests by executing the below command in your terminal.

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit


Thank you for considering contributing to esi-api-client. Please refer to the provided guidelines for contributing to see how to make a contribution.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you find a security vulnerability, do not open an issue. Email contact@kxvrzihmkuag.com instead. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3.