
An example application or skeleton for the for getting started with NormForm.

example, education, form processing, form-validation, php, php7, skeleton-application



An example application or skeleton for the for getting started with NormForm, the simple template application for PHP form processing developed for PHP classes in the program Media Technology and Design at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. This skeleton and the library behind it are primarily designed for educational purposes (learning object oriented PHP, form processing and templating languages). Use it for "public" applications at your own risk.

Creating a NormForm Application

Use Composer to create a new project containing the skeleton files:

composer create-project fhooe/normform-skeleton path/to/install

Composer will create a project in the specified path/to/install directory.

Basic Usage

  • Edit templates/normFormDemo.html.twig to modify the HTML (add/remove form fields, etc.).
  • Modify src/NormFormDemo.php to change the form validation behavior (method isValid()) and the business logic that is executed one the form is filled out correctly (method business())). Create constants with the names of your form fields here for easier referencing.
  • Adapt htdocs/index.php whenever if you have edited your form. Supply PostParameter instances to the View object so that the form data can be processed and displayed accordingly.

If you prefer your form without all the (SUIT CSS inspired) CSS, start working with htdocs/index_simple.php and templates/normFormDemoSimple.html.twig instead.

Browsing the Application

For taking a quick look you can use the PHP built-in web server:

cd path/to/install
composer start

Navigate to http://localhost:8888/index.php or http://localhost:8888/index_simple.php in your browser to see the application in action.


If you'd like to contribute, please refer to CONTRIBUTING for details.


NormForm is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

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