
Various captchas that support the mechanism for switching between them in the configuration file

recaptcha, captcha, kcaptcha, hcaptcha



Common php class interfaces for captchas. And various captchas implementation. You can use it for a switching of captcha's type in your project.

Supported types of captcha

Now packages supports these types:

  • Google ReCaptcha v2
  • HCaptcha
  • KCaptcha

You can add new one type. You need implement CaptchaInterface and CaptchaRequestInterface.

Frameworks support

This package didn't tie with any framework. It doesn't work with specific framework's classes or interfaces, for example Illuminate\Http\Request for http requests.

But you can ease create needed wrappers and factories for a working your framework and configuration files.

For Laravel, you can use the geekk/multi-captcha-laravel package.


Install package:

composer require geekk/multi-captcha


Configuration array:

$config = [
        'default' => 'hcaptcha',

        'connections' => [

            'recaptcha2' => [
                'driver' => 'recaptcha2',
                'site_key' => '...',
                'secret_key' => '...'

            'hcaptcha' => [
                'driver' => 'hcaptcha',
                'site_key' => '...',
                'secret_key' => '...'

            'kcaptcha' => [
                'driver' => 'kcaptcha',
                'show_credits' => false

If you plan to use KCaptcha, you need implement storage class:

class CaptchaStore  implements CaptchaStoreInterface {

    protected $store;
    protected $prefix;
    protected $seconds;

    public function __construct(Repository $store, $prefix = 'kcaptcha:', int $seconds = 5*60)
        $this->store = $store;
        $this->prefix = $prefix;
        $this->seconds = $seconds;

    protected function getStoreKey($key)
        return "$this->prefix:{$key}";

    public function getValue(?string $key = null): ?string
        $value = $this->store->get($this->getStoreKey($key));
        return $value;

    public function setValue(string $value, ?string $key = null)
        $this->store->put($this->getStoreKey($key), $value);

where Repository is some cache repository. Or you can use session instead of cache.

Implement the CaptchaManager - factory class:

class CaptchaManager

    protected $config;

    protected $connectionName;

    protected $connectionConfig;

    public function __construct(array $config)
        $this->config = $config;

    private function loadDriverConfig()
        $this->connectionName = $this->config['default'];
        $this->connectionConfig = $this->config['connections'][$this->connectionName];

    public function getCaptcha(): CaptchaInterface
        $driverName = $this->connectionConfig['driver'];
        switch ($driverName) {
            case 'recaptcha2':
                return new ReCaptcha2($this->connectionConfig);
            case 'hcaptcha':
                return new HCaptcha($this->connectionConfig);
            case 'kcaptcha':
                $store = new CaptchaStore();
                return new KCaptcha($this->connectionConfig, $store);
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown captcha driver: %s', $driverName));

    public function getRequest(Request $request): CaptchaRequestInterface
        $driverName = $this->connectionConfig['driver'];
        switch ($driverName) {
            case 'recaptcha2':
                return new ReCaptcha2Request(count($request->post()), $request->post(ReCaptcha2Request::RESPONSE_NAME), $request->ip());
            case 'hcaptcha':
                return new HCaptchaRequest(count($request->post()), $request->post(HCaptchaRequest::RESPONSE_NAME), $request->ip());
            case 'kcaptcha':
                return new KCaptchaRequest(count($request->post()),$request->post(KCaptchaRequest::RESPONSE_NAME), $request->post(KCaptchaRequest::KEY_NAME));
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('Unknown captcha driver: %s', $driverName));

Then you can use it

$captchaManager = new CaptchaManager($config);

$captcha = $captchaManager->getCaptcha();

// Render captcha in template
echo $captcha->render();

// Verify user's response
$result = $captcha->verify($captchaManager->getRequest($request));

Customising captcha's view

Use css for a customizing.

For captcha's templates generated on frontend side you can get data from method CaptchaInterface::getViewData().