
Getty Images API SDK - PHP

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Getty Images API SDK - PHP

Build Status


This SDK makes using the Getty Images API easy. It handles credential management, makes HTTP requests and is written with a fluent style in mind. The API Documentation is located on Github.

Initial Setup


  • You have PHP >=5.4 setup

PHP.ini settings to build the code

phar.readonly = Off

//Extensions needed for Windows OSs

Install via Composer

Please refer to

Quick Build

If everything is setup on your machine where PHP will run, you can most likely run BuildSDK.bat or to automatically build the phar. If something fails please read the error messages, PHP can have a finicky setup if you've never tried to use it to build a package before.



*nix / OSX

This will put GettyImagesApi.phar in a build folder. Then you can use the package as you would any other phar.

The build does a few things for you automatically

  1. Determines if you have composer.phar and will retrieve it if you don't have it
  2. Runs composer install to get dependencies that are outlined in the composer.json file
  3. Then produces the phar file in ./build/GettyImagesApi.phar

Manually Installing PHP libraries

BuildSDK should get all the dependencies for you but if you want to do the update without a build From the root of the repository

php composer.phar install

If you want the BDD dependencies

php composer.phar install --require-dev

This command should install behat (the bdd framework) and any other php dependency libraries

Environment variables of interest

The sdk does support using a proxy directly as well as ignoring ssl validation errors. This can be configured through the existense environment variables


*nix Shell Example:

export GettyImagesApi_IgnoreSSLValidation=TRUE
export GettyImagesApi_UseProxy=

Windows CMD Example:

set GettyImagesApi_IgnoreSSLValidation=TRUE
set GettyImagesApi_UseProxy=

Powershell Example



To get BDD scenarios for running the tests

The Git repository contains a submodule which requires some special handling to get setup properly. This is because we share our scenario files across all our SDKs. To update the submodule:

git submodule update --init

Running BDD Scenarios

The API team at Getty Images uses Behavior Driven Development (BDD). We think it's a great way to develop software and want to spread the word. The test project contains scenarios written in the Gherkin language.

If you'd like to run the SDK through it's passes using your credentials, you can do this by creating the following environment variables prior to executing the behat infrastructure

Credential Environment Variables

//If you only have sandbox credentials that you got through signing up

//If you only have an api key and api secret only export the first two variables.
//Sandbox credentials can be used in most of the cases where key and secret are used

//If you're a getty images partner and have a username and password, export these variables

Execute the tests

Note that depending on your actual credentials some of these scenarios may very well fail. The scenario should call out the type of credentials being used before the test executes.

php ./vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat

To execute a specific feature, run the same command above and include the location of the feature

php ./vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat features/authentication.feature