This PHP package allows you to easily integrate Google reCAPTCHA (v2 and v3) into your projects. It supports the basic features of reCAPTCHA v2 (checkbox and invisible) as well as the new features of reCAPTCHA v3 (score-based).
With Composer, add this line to the require section of your composer.json
"Holduix/recaptcha": "dev-master"
Then run the following command:
composer update
composer require holduix/recaptcha
To initialize reCAPTCHA, you need to provide your public key (site key) and your secret key (secret key). You can do this in two ways:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Holduix\Component\reCAPTCHA;
$reCAPTCHA = new reCAPTCHA('your-site-key', 'your-secret-key', 'v2'); // or 'v3' for reCAPTCHA v3
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Holduix\Component\reCAPTCHA;
$reCAPTCHA = new reCAPTCHA();
$reCAPTCHA->setVersion('v2'); // or 'v3' for reCAPTCHA v3
reCAPTCHA v2 is the classic version that displays an invisible checkbox or captcha. Here's how to use it:
echo $reCAPTCHA->getScript();
echo $reCAPTCHA->getHtml();
if ($reCAPTCHA->isValid($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
// Le captcha est valide
echo "Captcha valide !";
} else {
// Afficher les erreurs
reCAPTCHA v3 works without user interaction and returns a score between 0.0 and 1.0. Here's how to use it:
echo $reCAPTCHA->getScript();
Generate hidden field
echo $reCAPTCHA->getHtml();
if ($reCAPTCHA->isValid($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
// Le captcha est valide
echo "Captcha valide !";
} else {
// Afficher les erreurs
Several themes are available for reCAPTCHA v2: light
(default) or dark
You can change the language of reCAPTCHA. By default, the language is automatically detected.
$reCAPTCHA->setLanguage('fr'); // Français
For reCAPTCHA v2 you can choose between image
(default) or audio
For reCAPTCHA v2 you can choose between normal
(default) or compact
For reCAPTCHA v3, you can set a score threshold (between 0.0 and 1.0). By default, the threshold is set to 0.5.
$reCAPTCHA->setScoreThreshold(0.7); // Custom Threshold
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Holduix\Component\reCAPTCHA;
$reCAPTCHA = new reCAPTCHA('your-site-key', 'your-secret-key', 'v2');
<title>reCAPTCHA v2 Example</title>
<?php echo $reCAPTCHA->getScript(); ?>
if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
if ($reCAPTCHA->isValid($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
echo '<p>Captcha valide !</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>Erreur de captcha :</p>';
<form action="#" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Nom">
<?php echo $reCAPTCHA->getHtml(); ?>
<input type="submit" value="Envoyer">
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Holduix\Component\reCAPTCHA;
$reCAPTCHA = new reCAPTCHA('your-site-key', 'your-secret-key', 'v3');
$reCAPTCHA->setScoreThreshold(0.7); // Seuil personnalisé
<title>reCAPTCHA v3 Example</title>
<?php echo $reCAPTCHA->getScript(); ?>
if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
if ($reCAPTCHA->isValid($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
echo '<p>Captcha valide !</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>Erreur de captcha :</p>';
<form action="#" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Nom">
<?php echo $reCAPTCHA->getHtml(); ?>
<input type="submit" value="Envoyer">