Library with various utility classes

helpers, url, utility, utilities, singleton, collection, php



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A tiny library that provides very simple utility classes.

This provides a simple singleton trait to go on classes, URL builder class and a few different classes / traits around collections.


  • PHP 8.0+
  • Composer


Use Composer

$ composer require jpi/utils 



Simply add \JPI\Utils\Singleton to any class, this will make the constructor protected so the class can't be instantiated outside the singleton getter, also provide a get method which handles the class being singleton.


\JPI\Utils\URL provides 5 static helper methods (which should be self-explanatory):

  • removeLeadingSlash(string): string
  • removeTrailingSlash(string): string
  • removeSlashes(string): string
  • addLeadingSlash(string): string
  • addTrailingSlash(string): string

\JPI\Utils\URL as a class instance provides building a URL, the class has a single optional string argument, which you can pass if you know what the starting URL should be. You then have the following methods to build on top of this starting URL:

  • setScheme(string|null)
  • setHost(string|null)
  • setPath(string|null)
  • addPath(string)
  • setQueryParams(array)
  • setQueryParam(string, string|array)
  • removeQueryParam(string)
  • setFragment(string|null)

They all come with equivalent getter methods:

  • getScheme: string|null
  • getHost: string|null
  • getPath: string|null
  • getQueryParams: array
  • getFragment: string|null

Also, a getQuery: string|null method which transform the query params to an encoded query string to be used in a URL (minus the ?).

Lastly the class implements \Stringable so you can cast the instance to a string or can manually call build method to get the URL as a string.


Here we have \JPI\Utils\Collection, \JPI\Utils\Collection\Immutable & \JPI\Utils\Collection\Paginated.

A collection works like a normal array as it implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable & \IteratorAggregate just with some extra methods (all should be self-explanatory):

  • isset(string|int $key)
  • get(string|int $key, $default = null): mixed
  • getCount(): int
  • each(callable)
  • pluck(string $toPluck, string $keyedBy = null): CollectionInterface
  • groupBy(string $groupByKey): CollectionInterface

The Collection class also has the following methods (these exist on Immutable and Paginated but will throw an exception)

  • add(mixed $item)
  • set(string|int $key, mixed $item)
  • unset(string|int $key)
  • clear

A Paginated instance has the following additional methods:

  • getTotalCount(): int
  • getLimit(): int get what limit was applied when getting result
  • getPage(): int get what page number was applied when getting result

We also have interfaces in case you want to create your own versions, \JPI\Utils\CollectionInterface, \JPI\Utils\Collection\ImmutableInterface & \JPI\Utils\Collection\PaginatedInterface (which extends ImmutableInterface). If you do create your own collection classes, and want to make an immutable or paginated version see \JPI\Utils\Collection\ImmutableTrait and \JPI\Utils\Collection\PaginatedTrait.


If you found this library interesting or useful please do spread the word of this library: share on your social's, star on GitHub, etc.

If you find any issues or have any feature requests, you can open an issue or can email me @ 😏.



This module is licenced under the General Public Licence - see the Licence file for details