
Deferrable run your code



PHP-Deferrable - Simple and Powerful deferrable run code library

The PHP-Deferrable is a simple and powerful deferrable run code library. This library like Golang. This library is very simple because this is not depending other libraries.



Use composer:

composer require m3m0r7/php-deferrable

Issues to date

Go has a defer, and you can execute the contents of the defer before returning. However, although PHP does not have a defer, it is possible to achieve defer using try-finally or destructor destruction timing.

try {
    // ... do something
} finally {
    // post-processing

This has some problems: the post-processing code can be cumbersome, and if the try syntax gets too long, you won't know what to do. And you will suffer from unnecessary indentation.

php-deferrable solves all of these problems by providing very simple functions and classes to solve the problem.

Quick Start

use function PHPDeferrable\defer;
use function PHPDeferrable\deferrable;

class MyClass
    public function doSomething1()
        defer(function () {
            echo "Three!\n";

        defer(function () {
            echo "Two!\n";
        echo "One!\n";

    public function doSomething2()
        defer(function () {
            echo "NyanNyan!\n";
        echo "Wanwan!\n";

 * @var MyClass $myClass
$myClass = deferrable(MyClass::class, ...$somethingArguments);

It will show as below:


Deferrable function

You can pass a function into the deferrable.

use function PHPDeferrable\defer;
use function PHPDeferrable\deferrable;

deferrable(function () {
    defer(function () {
        echo "0: deferred call\n";
    echo "0: first call\n";

deferrable(function () {
    defer(function () {
        echo "1: deferred call\n";
    echo "1: first call\n";

It will show as below:

0: first call
0: deferred call
1: first call
1: deferred call

Deferrable function can be return a value.

use function PHPDeferrable\defer;
use function PHPDeferrable\deferrable;

$result = deferrable(function () {
    defer(function () {
        // do something.
    return "Return value\n";

echo $result;

It will show as below:

Return value

Deferrable can manipulate resource context.

use function PHPDeferrable\defer;
use function PHPDeferrable\deferrable;

deferrable(function () {
    $handle = fopen('php://memory', 'r')
    defer(function () use ($handle) {
    // ... do something

Context Manipulator

The context manipulator is very simple deferrable functions manipulator. You can take possible to decreasing memory usage with using it. It is not required wrapping with deferrable function for you wanting to deferring a class.

class MyClass
    public function doSomething()
        $context = Defer::createContext();
        $context->defer(function () {
            echo "Two!";
        echo "One!";

$myClass = new MyClass();


This library register global variables with __temp_defers__. This variable cannot be changed at this time. If you want to use this library without being bound by global variables, you must use Defer::createContext.
