
Media utilities for use with SquareOne projects



SquareOne Media Utilities

A collection of utilities to handle typical media filters in SquareOne projects.

Full Size GIFs

When WordPress resizes images, animates GIFs are no longer animated. This utility encourages WordPress to use the full size version of GIF images.

Disable this feature by setting a constant in your wp-config.php (by default, it is enabled).

define( 'FORCE_FULL_SIZE_GIFS', false ); // disables the full size GIF filter

Responsive Image Disabler

We handle responsive images in our own special way. WordPress doesn't play well with our technique, so we disable its responsive image filters.

Disable this feature by setting a constant in your wp-config.php (by default, it is enabled).

define( 'DISABLE_WP_RESPONSIVE_IMAGES', false ); // disables the responsive images disabler