
A simple boilerplate to quickly start a PHP project based on Symfony



Docker Symfony Boilerplate

This project pretends to be a quickly and easy to use base to bootstrap your own developments, if they are based in PHP7 and Symfony Framework.


  • Docker version 18.09.2
  • docker-compose version 1.23.2
  • GNU make

How to install:

  • Fork this repo
  • cd to repo folder.
  • Run make build to build project containers and dependencies.


  • Execute in your favorite terminal: $ composer create-project --no-install muriano/docker-symfony-boilerplate {yourProjectNameHere}

What do you get:

  • A ready to go base installation of Symfony (Currently version 5)
  • A php-fpm container for local development with a bunch of useful extensions like zip, pdo, etc. You will also get the dependency manager composer and a little hack prestissimo to boost up your dependencies installation speed.
  • A nginx web server ready to work with you already installed Symfony based app.
  • A base Makefile with a few but helpful command to run your project.

Booting Up your project

Of course, you'll need Docker and docker-compose installed in your development machine, but it is a piece of cake to get them running, so this readme won't cover that part of the dirty task.

To take your project alive, just type in your terminal: make up. That's all. Docker compose will build the base image, you can see it in [docker/app/Dockerfile]. It is a PHP FPM based image with composer and prestissimo installed on, and a bunch of useful PHP extension, such as PDO. Feel free to add or remove as many as you need.

Config file [docker-compose.yml] has been set up to redirect host machine port 8080 to container's port 80. You'll probably need to change this value to your own so, once again, feel free to make as many changes as you need.

Getting started with the code

A base symfony application should be installed for this project. You can see a demo page if you enter [http://localhost:8080] (or whatever other port you were configured). Feel free to make as many changes as you need. Just keep in mind it should be a Symfony based application. You would probable want to modify [etc/nginx/nginx.conf] and [etc/nginx/conf.d] to apply your own configuration. Any change made in that file will require a restart of the running server container.

This repository supposes that you're already familiar with Symfony Framework and you knows where to start digging and typing your code.

Use [app/src] to put your code on.

Use [app/tests] to put your tests on.

Piece of cake!