
Load .env file into project environment, using same functions as Laravel

php, development, dot, laravel, environment, production, env, dotenv


dotenv Environment Manager

Stable version Unstable version

If you have used Laravel and gotten used to being able to set and switch between environments as easily as swapping out a .env file.

Using mykehowells/dotenv, you can now add that functionality to your own projects with composer.

Install via Composer

Add mykehowells/dotenv to your project via composer with the following line:

composer require mykehowells/dotenv

Add the below code to check for a .env file, and import if it exists. Preferably, you should store this file outside of any publicly accessible directories, as it will contain potentially sensitive data - such as database credentials.

Check out the vlucas/phpdotenv readme for more info on that package.

| Check to see if an env file exists at project root, if it does, import
| keys and values into putenv( $setting ), otherwise env( $key, $default=null )
| will return default value.
load_env( __DIR__ );

You can then start using the env( $key, $default = null ) function to retrieve data from your .env file.